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Dropped calls in my house

  • 13 April 2020
  • 30 replies

I have had a problem with calls dropping when I am at home. I live in Chicago, and my phone works fine everywhere but at home.  I am talking fine, and then, the call goes dead.  Sometimes it comes back, sometimes not.  I thought it was my old S7 which was the problem, but I just got a new S10 and it is the exact same problem.  I have tried wifi calling as well, and nothing seems to work.  This is becoming a serious problem since I am now working from home.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


30 replies

Are you using WiFi Calling? If you start a phone call on WiFi and move away from the router, the call will drop.

I've done it both ways.  Calls drop either way.  I am stationary in my home office, sitting in my chair.  Calls start off great, and then several minutes into the call, either I can't hear them at all, they can't hear me at all, the call drops all together, or a combination of all three happen.  I don't move at all, and the wifi signal is strong in my office, I am constantly on the internet so I know that functions well

Well, if your router doesn't prioritize WiFi Calling, you could drop calls because of your internet connection saturates.  As for when you're not using WiFi Calling, it might help to know where you're located and what phone you're using. 

Userlevel 7
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They could also try putting their device in airplane mode and then enabling WiFi Calling to make sure it isn't trying to switch back to a spotty cell connection.

I am located in Chicago, Northwest side, and I am currently using a Samsung S10, but the issue was the same with my Samsung S7 edge as well

It might be that you're in an area where band-71 (600 MHz) has not yet been installed and you're relying on band-12 (700 MHz) for indoor service. Band-12 is pretty limited and may become saturated. However, this does not answer why calls fail when you're on WiFi. I'm just grasping at straws. Don't really have a clue why this is happening.

Userlevel 3
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I took a look through our Can't call, dropped calls, & other calling issues​ and you've done most of the troubleshooting. As long as you're on the latest software and the issue happens without a case, the next step is to contact us. An Expert will take a closer look, may have some additional troubleshooting to complete, and will get this escalated as needed.

I did, I talked with someone the other day, and they said they were sending something to me which would boost my signal.  Should I be getting any kind of email confirmation on that?  So far I have not.

Userlevel 7
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It can take a week or two for those to ship.  Sometimes even longer in times like the current state of the world.  Once you get a shipping confirmation, it should arrive within a few days. 

Ok, great.  Thanks so much!


On Monday, April 20, 2020, 04:24:38 PM CDT, syaoran <> wrote:


T-Mobile Support



Dropped calls in my house

reply from syaoran in Account & services - View the full discussion

It can take a week or two for those to ship.  Sometimes even longer in times like the current state of the world.  Once you get a shipping confirmation, it should arrive within a few days. 

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Finally, your cell phone itself can be the cause for dropped calls. ... Finally, a cell phone requires a quality power supply to maintain a stable connection during a call, so if your battery is running out, the likelihood of a dropped call is also increased.

I don't move at all, and the wifi signal is strong in my office, I am constantly on the internet so I know that functions well

I have been having the same problems with phone calls dropping. It started over a year ago tried everything. Tech guys from T-mobile couldn’t figure it out and said everything looks good. Insisted and they finally send me a cell-Spot. It worked for few months. I’ve been calling them and they finally sent me an other model for replacement. I think that issue must be some type of interference that can’t be or is costly to fix. Good luck!


Add me to the list of people whose wifi calling drops.  I am forced to use wifi because, despite your claims, the cell signal does not cover my property.  New phone (Oneplus 7T), all updates (10.0.16), gigabit fiber, FIVE access points.  This usually, but not always, happens when I am moving.  This tells me that your wifi calling is anything but the state of the art.  Other than moving to a different carrier, what can I do to make calls with my cell phone in my own home?

Userlevel 7
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they should have a signal booster that actually runs off your home net. one problem that has popped up for a few carriers when it comes to WFC (wifi calling) is when your phone looses its actual mobile connection yet still is connected to wifi/wfc it tends to spasm out a bit. could be what you are seeing here.


try it again but turn your phones airplane mode on..then turn your wifi back on and make sure WFC is back up and running..then try a few test calls while walking about to see if it still drops or not.

This is happening to me too, and it is infuriating. I have a 1Gb symmetrical fiber connection, with a WiFi6 router 15ft away from me. No other device (be it PC, Mac, Firestick etc...) loses connectivity, but this p.o.s T-Mo service drops calls randomly. It’s enough to make me want to jump ship because I am forced now to take calls over skype on my PC as my phone cannot be relied upon.


And no, I am not moving amount. Instead of spending money on shi**y tuesday promotions how about actually properly enhancing your IT infrastructure???

I'm using an onlocked Android Umdigi Power 3 a great phone only about a year old now in the past 2 months most calls drop a few seconds after connecting since the forced shift to wifi calling began. I'm on high speed wifi with Spectrum. A work around that is currently effective for me since I have decent tower reception where I live is shutting off wifi before answering or placing calls. We shouldn't have to use work arounds to make calls or buy new phones during hard times so the cell companies can cheap out on us :/ I'm a very unhappy customer.

I’m seeing the same dropped calls as anotherdumbfakename.  I’m using a OnePlus 9 5G phone.  Seems to drop more on WIFI calling.  Like others, I’m stationary in my home office 20ft from my Spectrum wifi router with full signal.  Seems like it started happening about 3 weeks ago.

I agree it started about 3 weeks ago, usually with tech support people, although that’s the majority of people I call.  I can’t tell if I’m using wifi for not but I feel like I usually do not.  Plano, Texas 75093

Userlevel 7
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you cant tell if you are connected to wifi when you start getting dropped calls? it should show if you are on a wifi call or regular call. what phone do you have?

I am having call failing issues for a year now and seems like no engineer for T-Mobile is able to fix it has anyone had same issue and gotten it resolved? I am trying this place before I switch providers. The last expert said “We can’t do anything because they can’t take the risk of the issue being fixed for one customer and impacting 400.”

I am in Plano, Tx 

I guess I can join the masses of T-Mobile customers who cannot make a call from their cell phone without the call dropping. EVERY SINGLE CALL in the last month or so drops. EVERY ONE. Like everyone else, I have spend my $$$ on everything possible to try to boost the signal and get my phone to work properly. Dude, people are going to leave in droves if you don’t do something to fix it. This is infuriating. 

Whoever is saying that it’s our phones, it’s our router, it’s the location, etc. apparently has cell service that works. It was like one day they flipped a switch and my reception went to crap. It worked one day and then suddenly started dropping calls. What changed? 

I just want my phone to work. I should not have to use wifi because the cellular doesn’t work. Please help.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

I guess I can join the masses of T-Mobile customers who cannot make a call from their cell phone without the call dropping. EVERY SINGLE CALL in the last month or so drops. EVERY ONE. Like everyone else, I have spend my $$$ on everything possible to try to boost the signal and get my phone to work properly. Dude, people are going to leave in droves if you don’t do something to fix it. This is infuriating. 

Whoever is saying that it’s our phones, it’s our router, it’s the location, etc. apparently has cell service that works. It was like one day they flipped a switch and my reception went to crap. It worked one day and then suddenly started dropping calls. What changed? 

I just want my phone to work. I should not have to use wifi because the cellular doesn’t work. Please help.

in droves? this thread is from 2 years ago with what? 13 different people posting in here? and at least 3 of them assist on the site..


is your problem everywhere you go or one specific location? are there other TMO phones around you when this is happening? and if so are they seeing the same thing or are their phones working fine? if this is at home or work is this while connected to wifi and wifi calling or just regular mobile? what phone is it?

I’m new to T-Mobile and I’m already not a fan of calls being dropped when moving from wi-fi to cellular.  I just switched over from Verizon where moving between wi-fi and cellular isn’t an issue.  I could be on a call, get in my truck and drive to away without losing the call.

I’m surprised that T-Mobile’s service doesn’t have as seamless of a transition.  I was on the phone with T-Mobile this morning in my house and then all of a sudden they couldn’t hear me becuase of this issue.  In today’s tecnilogical age I shouldn’t have switch my wi-fi on and off in my home just to keep a call alive.

I thought you guys were supposed to be better.

Userlevel 7
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i have zero issues with this. and i 9/10 times am on a wifi started call as im leaving for work and switching to mobile mid call with zero issues.
