You should see the discount on the bill on the billing cycle after you signed up for autopay, unless you signed up for autopay close to your billing cycle. Then it should show up the following bill,, if your plan is eligible for the discount.
I have another follow up question: It appears from the answer given that the $5.00 autopay discount applies only to eligible plans. My current Tmobile plan is: Select Value 30MB Data SMHS. Is this plan eligible for the $5.00 autopay discount? If not eligible how do I determine what plans are eligible for the $5.00 discount? I’m looking to change plans in the next month and would like know which plans are eligible for the $5.00 autopay discount.
Previous answer: You should see the discount on the bill on the billing cycle after you signed up for autopay, unless you signed up for autopay close to your billing cycle. Then it should show up the following bill,,“ if your plan is eligible for the discount”.i
Value plans are already discounted and are not eligible for further discounts.
Already signed up for autopsy, bill isn't due until the 10th but autopsy is going to come out on the 31st(which makes no sense) and no discount has reflected on my bill yet