
On Us with AirPods promotion & rebates

  • 16 December 2021
  • 27 replies

Userlevel 3

We just upgraded our 4 iPhones with the On Us with Apple AirPods promotion with rebates. We are already regretting it.

First the promotion credits to your account are spread over 30 months. That’s 30 months that you are now locked into T-Mobile.

Second the promotion / rebate site DOES NOT WORK. When I contacted T-Mobile they sounded surprised that I was having an issue. Search the forums and you will see that this has been an issue for a lot of customers.

This is a bait and switch tactic. I regret upgrading with T-Mobile. We should have just moved to Verizon.

Since T-Mobile customer service monitors this forum, I want the rebates for the AirPods and iPhone trade ins taken care of immediately or I will report this to the BBB. This is clearly a known issue that T-Mobile has failed to address.

27 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +10

Hey there, I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with the rebate site.  You’re right, there have definitely been some issues with it but I’m confident the web teams will have it sorted out soon and you’ll be able to complete the AirPod promotion.  


Also, while there are some employees who frequent this community as well as dedicated moderators, no one here has access to your account and I encourage you to reach out to T-Force via Facebook or Twitter so they can assist you further.

Userlevel 3

The T-Mobile promotion / rebate site still does not work. This is a great way for T-Mobile not to have to pay anyone rebates since this delays the submissions past the due date.

Why do we have to submit for the rebate anyway? Why isn’t this automatically done by T-Mobile?

We have been T-Mobile customers for years but this kind of business practices is why we left AT&T. I will be looking at deals we can get with Verizon to switch.

Userlevel 1

I just tried the promotions site and it also seems to not be working for me BUT I’m sure they are fixing it, because I switched from AT&T to T-Mobile this year and got a new iPhone 12 and Apple Airpods was able to redeem a rebate for the AirPods before. I just upgraded another device I had for a similar promotion w/ free Airpods.


Also, to the person complaining that the promotional credits are spread out over 30 months, they explain that multiple times when you sign up and it’s in the details on the website when you sign up for the promotion. Don’t blame T-Mobile because you don’t know how to read. You’re still getting a free phone so what are you complaining about? Verizon isn’t going to pay off the phone for you or give you a free phone, they’ll only give you $500, in the form of a Verizon gift card, when you trade in your device, which is less than half the price of a new phone, and if you read the fine print (which you clearly don’t know how to do) you still have to stay on their plan for at least one year or they’ll charge you the $500. All carriers have some sort of condition for you to stay with them for a certain period of time as part of their promotions. That’s how they get you to stay. 

@vivichi56 i love a person that can read 💞💕 thank you for sticking up for us! we appreciate it & value you!

Userlevel 3

The rebate site still is not working. No estimated time to have this fixed.


Userlevel 3

Carriers like AT&T and Verizon are very clear about locking customers into contracts. T-Mobile pushes the un carrier never any contract. So if you have promotions that lock you into contracts for 30 months, you don’t get to advertise being the un carrier with no contracts. It’s misleading.

If you are the un carrier why make customers have to submit for a rebate online within 30 days? Why not just handle that all on the T-Mobile side? Just give the customer a rebate credit on their account and be done with it. Instead of counting on a percentage of customers that will never see the rebate because they missed the 30 day time limit.

These are tactics I would expect from AT&T and Verizon but not from a company that advertises being the un carrier. 

Happy Holidays everyone!





Someone had trade in old phone for new phone?? And pay the remaining balance of the new phone??? I need to know if you can do that and still get the credit for the old phone in your account. 

I need to know because I would like to pay my remaining balance. 

It was an absolute mess having to switch from Sprint to T-Mobile. Couldn’t get any updated phones with Sprint so forced to switch to a more expensive plan with T-mobile after 23 years with Sprint, Promised this airpod promotion was a great deal and so easy. They did not provide me with the airpod code the website is requesting. There is no way I would have accepted switching to T-mobile if I had known it was going to be this much of a hassle. I feel like I just received a bait and switch. How do we get our money back for these AirPods?!?! 

Is the part that is not working for everyone the fact that the rebates site is asking for a 15 digit IMEI# and airpods only have a 10 digit serial#?  That’s what is happening to me, so I can’t get past that point to get the rebate for the airpods.  There is no 15 digit #on airpods, that is for iphones.

We tried every possible configuration of serial numbers, model numbers etc found on the airpod box, airpod case and even the tiny numbers the airpods themselves. None of these took as there were not enough digits and nowhere that said it was an IMEI#  As a last ditch resort we put in the IMEI# found on the Iphone13 box and it went thru. It said my submission has been received and it would take up to 8 weeks for the rebate and I could check back in 24 hours to check the status. Time will tell if what I did was right or not. 

Userlevel 1

Logging back into this thread to address a few things:  
AIRPODS DO NOT HAVE AN IMEI NUMBER, which I can’t believe has to be said. You are supposed to use the IMEI of the PHONE which was purchased as part of the promotion, and AGAIN this is explained on the website, in the same section where they explain that the promotion is spread out in monthly bill credits:


Userlevel 1

SECONDLY, to address this:

"T-Mobile pushes the un carrier never any contract. So if you have promotions that lock you into contracts for 30 months, you don’t get to advertise being the un carrier with no contracts. It’s misleading."

In 2016, Moshe Farhi, who ALSO didn’t read the fine print, filed a class action lawsuit against T-Mobile for misleading advertising, when he was billed for the remaining balance of his device after cancelling phone service. This lawsuit was DENIED by the courts because:

IT IS CLEARLY STATED HERE THAT THE COST OF THE DEVICE IS SEPARATED FROM THE COST OF SERVICE. Not only that, even if youdidn’t read that on the website (which, by the way, took two seconds of Googling to find this) IT IS EXPLAINED WHEN YOU SIGN UP for the phone plan that the promotional credits are spread out This is NOT misleading, you just didn’t do your research.

Logging back into this thread to address a few things:  
AIRPODS DO NOT HAVE AN IMEI NUMBER, which I can’t believe has to be said. You are supposed to use the IMEI of the PHONE which was purchased as part of the promotion, and AGAIN this is explained on the website, in the same section where they explain that the promotion is spread out in monthly bill credits:

This is all I needed to get the rebate sent in! Thanks for everyone’s input. Glad I looked for the assistance.

As for Verizon vs T-Mobile...after 12 years, I’m glad we switched. As far as I can tell, Verizon is doing 30 month contracts now too! We get so many more features, better price and service is great! Bye Verizon!!!!! 


Logging back into this thread to address a few things:  
AIRPODS DO NOT HAVE AN IMEI NUMBER, which I can’t believe has to be said. You are supposed to use the IMEI of the PHONE which was purchased as part of the promotion, and AGAIN this is explained on the website, in the same section where they explain that the promotion is spread out in monthly bill credits:


Actually it’s not clear that IMEI number refers to the IMEI number on the IPhone, even when you just posted the excerpt from the website. The leaflet handed out at the store detailing with the Airpod rebate program similarly does not mention anywhere that the IMEI number is found on the Iphone or the Iphone box and NOT the Airpods or the Airpod box they came in.

When you are getting a rebate on Airpods... why would you automatically think that you would have to look for it on the IPhone?. That doesn’t make logical sense. I even Google searched “Where is the IMEI number on Airpods and there was a lot of answers and misleading information as to what an IMEI number is.

Usually when you have to apply for a rebate on any product that you just bought, the normalcy is to submit a product number, a Serial Number or similar type number that was on that product or it’s packaging alone and not on some other product it is affiliated with. The T Mobile website does not say or imply anywhere “THE IMEI NUMBER IS THE ONE FOR YOUR IPHONE” The instructions were not clear or concise, when it could have and should have been. 

I just resent being told I have to upgrade my phone or it won't work on TMobile network after months if being threatened then low and behold you can now get a sim card so you can enjoy the full TMobile experience I didn't have a say in TMobile taking over Sprint I feel that I should get all TMobile benefits as a forced TMobile customer my bill is still a Sprint bill  and a Sprint plan that should be changed as a courtesy of being forced into the TMobile network especially since every time I sign in I'm told welcome to the TMobile family and that I will enjoy all TMobile has to offer what a crock I switched from TMobile years ago because of their awfully customer service and sneaky practices Sprint was great now I have to switch phone companies because I see no benefit to being part of the TMobile family fyi spreading phone payments over months at time is just the same as being locked into a contract you insulting people on this site does not make me want to be apart of TMobile how totally unprofessional and disgraceful for a company to treat someone 

I switched from Sprint to T-Mobile and upgraded to 4 IPhone13Pros.  I got the AirPods on us promotion and asked all the questions because I seem to get burned every time I upgrade.  Now they are telling me that only 1 of the AirPods are eligible for the rebate.  Not one person that I talked knew this.  The first person told me that that were all free all I had to do was pay the taxes.  Another person told me after I saw the charges on my bill, that I will be credited double next billing cycle.  We got disconnected in the middle of this conversation and she never called back.  The next person then tells me that I have to apply for the rebate and didn’t even know that until she was reading it as we were talking.  She was disappointed herself because she got the AirPod promotion for her family.  Then she tells me that I have to do a rebate for all 4 AirPods.  While trying to apply for rebate which was not working she reads further and says that I am only getting the rebate for 1 of the AirPods not all 4. So I ask for a supervisor because I am furious at this point.  Well the supervisor said that I to send the other three back if I don't want them and only because I didn’t open the boxes. The one box that I opened can not be returned.  Trust there’s more to this saga because I was on the phone for hours.  I trusted that the sales persons knew what they were doing and I didn’t have the promotion in front of me, however I asked them to tell me everything I need to know because I have been burned before. So if I ask you to tell exactly everything that I need to know then don’t lie to me with a bait and switch. I didn’t want to go with T-Mobile because of their reputation, however I think all of these carriers have bad reputations.  I still can't believe this happened because I spent so much time asking all the questions from the beginning.  I was on the phone so long that the salesperson gave me a curtesy credit for taking so long.  



Sorry you had to go through that, but that is typical TMobile B's they were like this years ago when I dropped them and they haven't changed smh Again I am furious about Sprint being taken over by them by leaving customers to deal with their crap or switch to another carrier

At this point I wish I would've stayed with Verizon.  So much wasted time trying to fix errors made on my account.  Now the next screw up is the apple headphone rebate.  Denied and I've been on hold for almost an hour already.  I want a refund for those earpods as we would've never bought them! 

1st world problems are so funny to read, I swear. The commercial for the Promo even says “Free AirPods ON US when you purchase the new iPhone 13 lineup with a Qualifying Plan.” Then it literally shows MAGENTA MAX REQUIRED!!!!!


You all just get tunnel vision and hear the part you WANT TO HEAR. Which is some free AirPods. Which Is Free when you have those other 2 things. They’re like a reward for buying the top plan and device. Tigray truly has been at war with Ethiopia for 400+ days and had ALL their power turned off since, and they’re eating leaves and grass because the Live Stock was massacred. But here you go crying about the sky is falling because you missed a few details. Fix it, resubmit it and delete this. Your privilege is showing.

Logging back into this thread to address a few things:  
AIRPODS DO NOT HAVE AN IMEI NUMBER, which I can’t believe has to be said. You are supposed to use the IMEI of the PHONE which was purchased as part of the promotion, and AGAIN this is explained on the website, in the same section where they explain that the promotion is spread out in monthly bill credits:


Thanks for this post! But I must say this I have been with T-Mobile for 3 years and sometimes T-Mobile is not clear as they should be.  You state it the instructions are on the website.  That’s if you can find it. Sometimes T-Mobile burns the lead and you have to do a deep dive to find info on promotions and rebates.  I went to the T-Mobile store to ask how do I do the rebate? I was told if I had purchased at the store they would have done it for me. I was told that the phone representative should have done it. Called in and the phone representative had to research herself on how to submit and where to find the 15-Digit IMEI # on the AirPods. I was told it is inside the charging case where you put the AirPods. Lo and behold I find some tiny, tiny, tiny writing in faint grey writing. WHY? Who and the heck can read this? Not even my 11 yr old grandson with 20/20 vision.  Even she was unaware that the promotion is asking for the iPhone 15-Digit IMEI # because the form doesn’t state that fact. Also, I ordered the AirPod Pros and was sent AirPod 3 because the Pros are out of stock.  They did this without giving me the opportunity to decide if I even wanted the 3’s, which I don’t! Thank you for your post.

I applied for the Airpods promotion on 12/5/2021 after purchasing 4 phones on black Friday.  4!  All with magenta max.

I bought a new phone I did everything right per rules of the promotion.  magenta Max.  Put in IMIE of new phone.  

Today it said my submission was “denied”  reason given for denial, I did not get the right set of airpods or something some model number of the airpods was wrong.  however, it was the airpods that the store representative gave me “as part of the promotion”!  

I called multiple times  (12/29, 1/26) because it was taking so long to get my rebate and each time I was told that everything was fine that it was taking some time to “process.”  I was “guaranteed” 2 times by 2 different representatives that I would get the $130.00 credit for the airpods.  They both used the words like a script, “don’t worry I give my personal guarantee this will be fine’” yet today, my promotion says “denied”

Reminds me of Tommy Boy where you can have a guaranteed box of $4!t.

The representative said she “escalated” my case to a supervisor and would call me in 3-5 days. 

She gave me a small credit towards the air pods while it was being escalated/considered but nowhere near making the free as they were promised.  

I feel like T-mobile uses bait and switch tactics.  Had I known this I would never have migrated from sprint, I almost went to ATT, store was right next door.  I only migrated from sprint because of the incentives from T-mobile many of which were overpromised and underdelivered.    If Tmobile makes this right and credit my account for the whole amount of the air-pods I will come back to this thread and update and let others know.  If this thread is not updated, I did not get the credit.  

I unfortunately do not have a lot of good things to say about T-mobile right now.  I am hoping they will make this right.  

Carriers like AT&T and Verizon are very clear about locking customers into contracts. T-Mobile pushes the un carrier never any contract. So if you have promotions that lock you into contracts for 30 months, you don’t get to advertise being the un carrier with no contracts. It’s misleading.

If you are the un carrier why make customers have to submit for a rebate online within 30 days? Why not just handle that all on the T-Mobile side? Just give the customer a rebate credit on their account and be done with it. Instead of counting on a percentage of customers that will never see the rebate because they missed the 30 day time limit.

These are tactics I would expect from AT&T and Verizon but not from a company that advertises being the un carrier. 

Happy Holidays everyone!



We are the un carrier, there is a difference in contrasot and financings agreements. You can sign a finance agreement with us and feel free to leave at any time with no early termination fees (which contracts have) all we will charge is for the equipment and the last month of service. There is no cancelation fee or termination fee or any extra fees like that, we don't even charge interest on the finance agreement. Seems pretty fair and explanatory to me.



Wanted to update the string that T-mobile rebates department made things right for me with my airpods.

It was an inordinate amount of effort to get my free ipods, over 5 calls to get it right.  But they did do it.  So I am happy to report that they stood by the offer.  

I upgraded 3 lines to 3 iphone 13s and submitted 3 airpod reward requests.  Today I was told only one request can be approved based on the following reason: 

  • The limit has been reached for the number of payouts for this account on this promotion.

I clearly remember the promotion said each account could receive 3 rewards.

Why does T-Mobile do this to its customers?  If T-Mobile only wanted to provide one reward for each account, why just say so in the promotion?  I could buy airpods from other places with much lower prices.
