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Worrying eSim request

  • 6 August 2024
  • 8 replies

In the last week I’ve started getting notifications in my setting (iPhone 12 mini), saying “US Mobile would like to activate an eSim on this phone.”

I have no idea what this is related to - I’ve never even heard of US Mobile, and I’ve made no change to my T-Mobile plan (service or device) in a long time.  I presumed it was some scammy phishing hack attempt, so I canceled the request.  I googled for the message to see if this was a known scam, but I didn’t find anything.  I’ve gotten the same request about 4 times now (every 2-3 days), and I keep saying cancel.

Is there any chance this is legit?  If not, how did this get so far as to have my settings asking me to make this change?  Is there a way to wipe this out for good?


8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

It looks like US Mobile is legit but I think it's some type of phishing scam trying to get new customers

I'd suggest changing your Tmobile password as a start.


I changed my password, but just got another request for the eSim install, so I called 611 and talked to tech support (escalated to “IT support”).  Their answer was a bit murky (to me anyway), but the take away I got was that this wasn’t something nefarious.  I think I understood that the iPhones get eSim’s setup “by default” (although it’s now years past anything “default” for this phone), and for some reason this got turned back on.  They assured me they fixed it on their end and I shouldn’t see this again.

Just recapping in case anyone has a similar issue and ends up on this thread via searching - call 611 and tell them to fix it for you…



...And it just showed up again, so T-Mobile Tech support didn’t know what they were talking about.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

If your talking about my suggestion, this isn't a Tmobile Tech venue since this is a user to user forum.


@gramps28  - per my second post, I was still getting these so I called T-Mobile Tech Support (611), and was assured they had solved the problem.  I had hoped they were correct, but the 2 days later it appeared again.  It was formal T-Mobile support who appear not to know what they were talking about.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Try contacting Tmobile support using messenger on one of Tmobile’s social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, they're a higher tier of support.



Good to know, thanks for the suggestion!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

The support team over there use to monitor this forum before migrating there.
