
Syncup Kids app is stuck on the "Create a profile" screen

  • 13 April 2022
  • 4 replies


I have entered all the required information and clicked the Next button. Now the pink spinning wheel is mocking me, refusing to move me along. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app, and restarted the phone. Nothing is allowing me to move forward. Help!

4 replies

Did you work this out? Having the same problem and custom service hung up on me


The issue resolved a few days after my initial post. There was a software bug at the time that didn’t allow for “invited” people to set up accounts. 

If you haven’t updated the app in a while, maybe give that a try. 


I am having this problem currently. Any other input or advice would be great?? 

I am having this problem currently as well...25 Dec 2022.
