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Calls go directly to Voicemail!

My incoming calls go directly to voice mail, even though I have at least three bars of signal inside my house and I have no issues with outgoing calls.

Can T-Mobile representatives help me out in this ?

I tried reaching out to customer service number but the wait time is too long.



9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

What device do you you have?  Have you looked at the dB in terms of signal strength outside of just looking at bars?  Bars don't actually have a standard, vary by carrier, phone model, and firmware for their relation to dB. 

And OBTW, we're assuming that you've already checked the call forwarding on your phone.

Hi Syaoran, I have an iPhone XR.

I have not checked the signal strength outside the bars, Is there a way I can check them out ?

I did reach out to T-mobile tech representatives and they helped me to reset the network settings on my phone, after that I did a couple of calls that did not redirect to voicemail. The representatives would get in touch with me later in the day, for another round of testing.

I will let you know how that goes.



Hi Drnewcomb2, Yes, I have disabled call forwarding on my mobile.

I did reach out to T-mobile tech representatives and they helped me to reset the network settings on my phone, after that I did a couple of calls that did not redirect to voicemail. The representatives would get in touch with me later in the day, for another round of testing.

I will let you know how that goes.



Userlevel 3
Badge +10

Did resetting the network settings work? I know that's one of the big troubleshooting steps that Apple recommends.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Thanks for giving us an update. Can you let us know if you've been followed up with?

Hi Drnewcomb2, Yes, I have disabled call forwarding on my mobile.


I did reach out to T-mobile tech representatives and they helped me to reset the network settings on my phone, after that I did a couple of calls that did not redirect to voicemail. The representatives would get in touch with me later in the day, for another round of testing.


I will let you know how that goes.




Good luck. I have spend days and hours. Same problem. The last suggestion was to buy a phone from them. I have the problem for two years.  

My calls go directly to Voice mail.  After working with the T-Mobile store rep, the sim card was replaced, network settings reset, and 5G turned off.  worked for a day.  the next morning, i had to turn the phone off and back on.  Turning the phone off and then back on seems to resolve the problem for the day.  any suggestions?



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