In the last the code 2300 and 128 have been popping up on my usage as text messages. Please provide information as to what these codes are? The 2300 is 8-10 in a row at times.
In the last the code 2300 and 128 have been popping up on my usage as text messages. Please provide information as to what these codes are? The 2300 is 8-10 in a row at times.
2300 code is letting you know that it's a message block, not sure on who's end. 128 turns your Binge on, on or off depending on the what you enter in the text. BON or BOF.
Code 2300 why is this showing up all of the sudden and we need to know more about it! Code 128 is showing multiple times in a day… what makes this show up? Video calling… or what?? Or are both of these just a glitch they are working on?
Binge on is for video data.
Great, thank you. This was informative.
I would like someone to explain the incoming 128 message. It was on my log at 2:15am and my husband and I weren’t awake. What is this message?
Code 2300 why is this showing up all of the sudden and we need to know more about it! Code 128 is showing multiple times in a day… what makes this show up? Video calling… or what?? Or are both of these just a glitch they are working on?
I agree, both are showing up all of sudden and I can’t find any explanations about them anywhere. We need answers.
I would love to hear of an update because I am sure T-Mobile has increased the scam/spam blocking. I attempted to receive a code to verify my Facebook identity and it still hasn’t gone through. It’s been hours and I’ve requested it multiple times. I now see on my log that I have several Incoming text messages From 2300 in a row..
I would love to hear of an update because I am sure T-Mobile has increased the scam/spam blocking. I attempted to receive a code to verify my Facebook identity and it still hasn’t gone through. It’s been hours and I’ve requested it multiple times. I now see on my log that I have several Incoming text messages From 2300 in a row..
I would love to hear of an update because I am sure T-Mobile has increased the scam/spam blocking. I attempted to receive a code to verify my Facebook identity and it still hasn’t gone through. It’s been hours and I’ve requested it multiple times. I now see on my log that I have several Incoming text messages From 2300 in a row..
I would like someone to explain the incoming 128 message. It was on my log at 2:15am and my husband and I weren’t awake. What is this message?
I’m getting this code and I don’t have binge on any lines on my account.
We are getting 2300 on our log every minute and sometimes 2-3 times per MINUTE. According to the customer service rep it is a message engineering tool. He couldn’t tell me where it’s coming from or who is using it. My husband is in a coaches chat and I am thinking it is a group text code. I’m yet to find out what 128 is though.
Binge is for Netflix, free data when binge is on
I was told by rep that 128 is basically a place holder. It means that someone Is messaging an iPhone from A macbook or a iPhone watch. Notice that it will say incoming text never outgoing. It is recording that the phone has received something, but not another cell phone-- a registered tablet or watch. It possibly could be a video chat but that was not discussed. Hope this helps.
We are getting 2300 on our log every minute and sometimes 2-3 times per MINUTE. According to the customer service rep it is a message engineering tool. He couldn’t tell me where it’s coming from or who is using it. My husband is in a coaches chat and I am thinking it is a group text code. I’m yet to find out what 128 is though.
I would love to know what you find out because it’s on my husbands line atleast 20 times a day!
We need answers! this is unreal decode 128 incoming text or we should ditch T-Mobile !!!
My husband is chatting with someone on 128 constantly every day and we need to find out who.
We get the same thing on our usage. We also get 128, 127, 2300, 91703, 50449, it's so annoying because it feels deceptive either on the company's part or the person who we are in partnership with. This needs to be explained so people can have a piece of mind of what is being input and output of our devices.
Also see 128 on our phone log for spouse’s phone. On another thread someone mentioned it was from What’s App, but have no clue how that happens.
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