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Access Home Internet Router

  • 24 April 2023
  • 1 reply

I have no problem accessing my Home Internet router when at home and can connect with phone or computer connected to the same router. But is there a way to connect to the router when away from home and I can’t connect my phone or computer to the router? I am currently on vacation and the router seems to need a reboot, which happens often, to be able to get items still at home to connect. At home I need to do a reboot every few days or I have no internet connection. Chuck

There is currently no way to establish a NAT on a T-Mobile gateway, so you can't get back to your gateway outside your home. It is definitely a downside to Fixed Wireless Access (FWA), the type of over-the-air (OTA) Internet service that T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T provide.

If you are away from where the gateway is located regularly, consider plugging its power supply into a timer that will shut it down and restart it every evening in the AM hours. You should also look at the videos Nater Tater has created on YouTube about how to circumvent some of the limitations of the T-Mobile gateways.

Good luck!
