This is my first post. Glad to meet everyone. I didn’t even know T-Mobile had a forum until I got the home internet and found how limited the gateways are and began searching for tips and tricks.
I wanted to see if anyone had tried building their own modem. I have been running a IPFire firewall and router box for a while now since I had DSL. So why not use it for T-Mobile too? I don’t even know if it will work, but in theory I think it should. IPFire has a decent amount of options for connecting to a service.
- I would be using my computer that is currently running the firewall and router
- Adding a PCI-E M.2 adapter
- Attaching a 5g module to that adapter
- SIM card into the adapter
- Plug the Waveform antenna to the module
- Configure the “Red” adapter in IPFire
If this works, I should have no double NAT and many other features like DHCP address control, VPN, and Intrusion Prevention in one unit.
It would be about $100 in parts I need to get so less than one of the pre-built 5G routers.
Or has someone already attempted it?