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detailed receipt for internet and phone charges with detailed breakdown

  • 1 August 2024
  • 7 replies

I am able to expense my phone and internet bill for my employment. However, I need a detailed description of all my charges. Not the next bill, but what i’m being charged for my service. This will be the 3rd time i’ve had to write to get this info. I’ve been told in the past that i  had to go to a corporate store. That is not an option. Can you please tell me where on the site I can find these charges and my payments. this is a deal breaker and if this can’t be fixed, i will unfortunately have to find another ISP. 



7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Is it a postpaid or prepaid plan? If it's a prepaid plan there isn't detailed billing and if your a TMHI user that I believe is considered a prepaid plan.


I guess I'm considered postpaid. I pay mine monthly. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

You can sign into your MyTmobile account and go to billing and download your usage.


That is what T-Mobile keeps telling me. But this is the closest I can get and my company will not accept it because my name is not even on it.. I'm just basically needing a receipt. Going to billing, only gives me my bill along with what I paid last month but no specifics at all.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Click on the pink link to download to pdf.


I’ve already tried that and this is all i get when it comes to the payment. I acutally just went into a corporate T-mobile store and they told me it’s not possible. Of course that makes no sense at all. I’ll call tomorrow and try to speak with a mgr. Thanks for the help gramps28. 



Userlevel 7
Badge +14

I just signed in on my phone and I was able to download my July detailed bill with no issue but I did it a different way.

