
Where is your dang CHAT SUPPORT! CHAT SUPPORT!!!

  • 22 January 2024
  • 5 replies

Where is your CHAT SUPPORT!!  Stop making us call you!!  Sometimes the phone conversations are not very clear, lots of noise in the background and heavy accents.   


5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

contact them through either Facebook or Twitter..this will start you with tier 2 support over the call in tier 1 support agents..send them a direct not post on their main page.

Not all of your customers use FaceBook nor Twitter.  Why not provide support like 90% of major companies.  Not having chat support is a big miss on the part of T-mobile.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

probably because theyre not my customers?


chat gets pulled when they get backed up. once their backlog is freed up chat comes back..

I questions about my new bills

can anyone explain to me why I was charged for $36.67  and $27.86(LSC TDS Rental Payout)? Thanks
