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5g home internet vs 5g phone speeds

  • 7 April 2024
  • 2 replies

So I know that T-Mobile has deprioritized Home Internet over cell. However, should it be such a huge difference? I ran a test running with and without my 5g gateway (white). Without using the gateway my phone got 632.77mbps and when I connected to it I got 30mbps. Would an antenna help with this or am I missing something? It’s not a very busy area.

At a different location about 2 miles away I also get 30mbps on my phone and I strangely got 60mbps using the gateway. If 2 miles make a difference then an antenna should make a noticeable difference at least right?

You may just be connected to a decongested tower, or a tower that has been recently upgraded and the one nearest to you isn't upgrade yet.  

I think it might have been connecting to a different tower. I started getting 200-240mbps on my computer, but only on computer. On my phone I’ve been getting between 30-50mbps. I’ll prob go out and look for an antenna to see if it helps. I’ve seen videos where they have at least helped skyrocket their upload speeds even if they didn’t improve download speeds.
