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Restart router daily?

For my t-mobile home internet, I have to restart the router daily otherwise I drag down from 80+ mbps to something like 20mbps. Are better routers coming out? Am I the only one this is happening to? 

I have called support before on this and they just have me reboot or reset the router but it eventually comes back. 

I tried an Alexa plug but it needs internet to start back up. Doh!

Do you have the router set to auto-detect the connection speed?  This can cause this because the connection will drop or slow down and the router relocks in the speed.  Disabling this and entering the maximum up and down speed manually and saving it should stop this from happening.

Huh? Connection speed for LTE? Never seen such a setting? I’m talking about the T-mobile LTE modem/router. If that’s what you are referring to, please let me know where that setting is. 

I don't have the modem/router because the service isn:t available where I am, so I am not that familiar with what settings are there and what are not.  Most routers and even modem routers have a connection setting that is by default, set to auto, but can be set manually.  From my understanding, the T-Mobile modem/router is pretty basic.  If it is there, it should be easy to find.  

Ah yeah no. This is not a Ethernet negotiation issue. The switch shows it running full gig speed all the time. This is with the LTE modem. 

I’m having the same issue as of a week or two ago. Resetting the ‘modem’ helps for a day at best.

I agree, it helps for about a day… and so I bought a Kasa smart plug. That plug holds the schedule on the device and doesn’t need the internet to turn back on. I restart at 2:57AM every night for one minute. Gets me back to mostly normal speeds everyday except for the one day where I saw the modem connect at HSPA speeds! Another reboot fixed that.

I have also started to have the same issue in the past two weeks. If I don’t restart my Internet eventually drops and won’t work until I restart. I wonder what the issue is…


Other than that I absolutely love the service it provide speed about 100 mbps at my place.

Do what syaoran suggested, then reboot.


 anybody with this issue, maybe try a hard reset. find the reset hole and while ITS ON keep the reset button pushed down for at least over 30 to 40 seconds, it will reboot by itself or the lights will do something. let it do it’s thing and see if it corrects the problem.


(this will default the modem/router to factory, if it ever had firmware updates, that wont be erased, but rather maybe fix it if anything was changed and doing a dirty firmware update, without defaulting the settings, can something give hiccups)



Yes, I have to restart the modem on a daily basis, too. It is super annoying. I have called T-Mobile a dozen times about this issue. From what I understand, the router gets connected to 4g instead of LTE and gets stuck. T-Mobile has escalated my ticket to the engineers a few times but it's never been fixed. I hope that they will soon switch over to a new 5g router. 

Bumping and same here. I have to restart it daily now.

New to this service (about a week) and we are now rebooting it daily using the web interface just to keep it running smoothly. 


Before I got a chance to reboot it today, it reboot on its own and factory reset.   


Hopefully they get this thing stable soon. 

Howdy folks, having this very same problem with the new cylindrical 5g modem:


  • Getting 400+ mbps no problem for a few weeks.
  • Started noticing pixelation on streaming video about 10 days ago, speedtested to find 1-2 mbps speeds on any device I tested (wired and wireless).
  • Turning off and on has no impact.
  • Factory reset got me back to 400+ mbps.
  • Since then, the issue has increased in frequency to daily, and today, for the first time, I had to factory reset 3 times already.
  • After factory reset everything goes back to normal/very high speed service.
  • Have contacted support, however, Team didn’t seem to have a real fix and will be getting back in touch with me tomorrow to follow up.


Would love to hear any potential solutions you’ve discovered, and will also share any outcome of mine.


Edit: we also have 2 5g cell phones from TMO as well, and are able to get 400+ mbps via hotspot when we need to fall back during these resets - not experiencing any issues at all there, which leads me to the modem.


Many thanks for the thread!

Howdy folks, having this very same problem with the new cylindrical 5g modem:


  • Getting 400+ mbps no problem for a few weeks.
  • Started noticing pixelation on streaming video about 10 days ago, speedtested to find 1-2 mbps speeds on any device I tested (wired and wireless).
  • Turning off and on has no impact.
  • Factory reset got me back to 400+ mbps.
  • Since then, the issue has increased in frequency to daily, and today, for the first time, I had to factory reset 3 times already.
  • After factory reset everything goes back to normal/very high speed service.
  • Have contacted support, however, Team didn’t seem to have a real fix and will be getting back in touch with me tomorrow to follow up.


Would love to hear any potential solutions you’ve discovered, and will also share any outcome of mine.


Edit: we also have 2 5g cell phones from TMO as well, and are able to get 400+ mbps via hotspot when we need to fall back during these resets - not experiencing any issues at all there, which leads me to the modem.


Many thanks for the thread!

I have this same issue but far worse. 

I was so impressed when we first got the Nokia Tower 4 weeks ago, plugged it in, connected to wifi, 100+ Mbps right out of the box, 24 hours later connections dropped the secondary N71 5g connection, this went on for days, restart the router/modem and back to 100+ speeds, less then 24 hours later, back to 20. Tech support had me move router, worked great for another 36 hours, same thing, drops secondary connection which in my area is the 5g N71 Band and leave only the LTE with 20 Mbps and SLOWER. I have good signal. 3 bars on primary 4 on secondary, cell tower 1 mile from my home.

Last week, system REALLY slowed down “CPU Overheat” was appearing on the Nokia LED display, shut off unit to cool down, plugged it in, no secondary cell signal, days of trying, unit can not pick up the N71 5g signal and when it did work, it was a full 4 bars strong. More calls to tech support and they finally sent me a new unit. 

New unit, Same thing, no secondary signal which tells me its the cell tower, exactly one mile from my home and I am stuck with a snails pace LTE signal at anywhere from 12 to 35 Mbps. Sadly its more like 12 or worse in the evening. 

Spoke to TMobile again, support guy name Julio was fantastic, took down notes on everything that has been happening and escalating my service ticket. Im giving it another week or two or its back to Spectrum, since I will then be treated as a new customer after not having service for the last 30 days Ill get the same rate Im paying TMobile for 1 year, then revise TMobile back at that time, Im sure all these issues will be cleared up by then. 

I saw the speeds that its capable of but at this time, its not stable enough to reliably give those speeds. 

Fantastic that you had 400. 

With other routers, I plug them into wall wart timers to turn them off for a short time in the middle of the night every day.  This one has battery backup, so T-mobile needs to add a feature in the firmware to allow us to auto-reset the device on a schedule chosen by each of us.  Mine is not in a convenient place to push the reset button and I would rather not have to do it.

You can still reboot your unit with a timer. The battery backup only saves your router settings, disconnecting the power and reconnecting reboots the Nokia Tower. The Nokia Tower firmware is buggy, you could also be an unlucky one and by shutting off the power to the unit, its possible you will lose all your settings, the only way to know is try it.


Last week, I went from 30-40Mbps down to 1.5Mbps down. Uptime was about 6 weeks or so. Had to restart the router and it returned to normal. This might be the norm for this router and this firmware version.

So I get only 2 bars where I am at but the speeds are still far superior to what I was getting with fixed wireless only problem is that the internet will cut out all together several times a day until I restart the modem. Sometimes it appears to correct itself after a half hour.  Love living out away from people but I do miss reliable Highspeed internet.

Starting with the T-Mobile Home Internet troubleshooting is a good place to start for helpful steps with this issue. I’d give that a shot to see if those steps help.

With other routers, I plug them into wall wart timers to turn them off for a short time in the middle of the night every day.  This one has battery backup, so T-mobile needs to add a feature in the firmware to allow us to auto-reset the device on a schedule chosen by each of us.  Mine is not in a convenient place to push the reset button and I would rather not have to do it.

...and what is that battery for anyway?  you can't use the device when it is in battery mode.  

Hey folks I'm running into the same problem with the new 5G can. I was seeing 400Mbps for a while and then today I woke up to 17Mbps and it stayed that way all day until I hit the power button off and back on. After that, I was immediately back to 400.


Might try the Kasa switch idea as long as the battery backup still disconnects and reconnects to the towers.

Do you have the router set to auto-detect the connection speed?  This can cause this because the connection will drop or slow down and the router relocks in the speed.  Disabling this and entering the maximum up and down speed manually and saving it should stop this from happening.

Ok, where do I go to set this and what should the settings be?

Ok, where do I find this and what should the settings be?

No such setting on the Nokia router that I see. I wondered if scheduling power off on would prevent it.

Don’t know why ppl spend time complaining on manual reboot, blah, blah, instead of spending time thinking how to automate the reboot. I bought a 7-day timer from Amazon for a bit over $10, set up to reboot 3 times a week, and it works like a charm.

Before I switched to TM home internet, I paid close to $200/mo on internet with Cox, due to work from home and eveyone is staying home and streaming, and got penalized by that 1T data cap every month. I am happy to keep my home internet bill to $50/mo now, and I am ok with minor inconveniences.

Hi. Stable for 5-6 days without reboot. I am not sure if regularly rebooting the router would help as the cause of this is unclear. Eg could it just be Tmobile rebooting its servers. If it happens once a week that's not the end of the world. If away the idea of auto rebooting say once a day might help especially if you are away for more than a day. I also have read that Tmobile might be able to remotely reboot your router at lease one person here said they were able to do that for him. 
