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-Using ethernet cable connections to 5G21 Gateway from 2 Mac Minis, at System Prefs > Network (NtWk) > Advanced> 802.1x tab, it states for the newer Mini NO User Profile, only a box at bottom checked  for "Automatic Connection".   While the older Mini's NtWk> 802.1x> states "WPA: and my SSID name" for that gateway I'd like to know if that is WPA2-PSK (Personal) or WPA3-PSK (Personal), or the oldest version of WPA?  How can I learn this info?

- Plus for the newer Mini can one create/add a profile requesting WPA2-SSID or WPA3-SSID?  Could one also add a profile for the older Mini using WPA2-Persoanal (PSK)? 

Mostly solved:


After failed log-ins to the 5G-Gateway using all combinations old, most recent, and default user-names and passwords, tech support instructed a factory Reset of the 5G21-Gateway.


After the factory Reset and logging into the router address, online, to view the security settings for the Gateway,  the display on the new computer are the default settings:  Encryption Mode:  WPA/WPA2/WPA3 Personal;  WPA Version: WPA/WPA2;   and WPA-Encryption Mode: AES.

  While on the old computer, after 5G-Gateway Reset to factory settings:  only top topics display in bold print and remaining topics display in grayed-out print.  Clicking on 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz categories, opens them, but displays nothing.  NO other category settings display either.


For 4G wi-fi connections, the old computer required Encryption Mode:  WPA/WPA2 Personal;  WPA Ver: WPA/WPA2; and WPA-Encryption-Mode: WPA (without AES stipulation).


Have read that AES encryption was wrapped into both WPA2 and WPA3.  Would that make AES backwards compatible?   Questions concerning creating profile in Network settings still are open.
