I personally believe T-Mobile is not right for internet purposes at all… I had a T-Mobile modem for 6 maybe more months and I have had zero internet in the day and internet at midnight till early morning… 11pm - 5am and then it cuts me off completely… I ended up switching to Mediacom and I am now getting average of 200-350mbps Down on Speedtest and 65mbps upload. I roughly get a 18GB download done in 5 minutes @ 50-60mb/s Downloading. Glad I switched and stopped paying into a money scheme, because T-Mobile support do not truly care, they do not care at all… Stick to mobile devices, because internet is not your thing.
IF anybody can vouch for T-Mobile’ it’s probably because, you’re so close to a tower that is literally the only way you’ll gain any internet. You literally have to be 10 feet from a tower just to get anything. lolz
Anyone get 50-60mb/s Download speeds with T-Mobile? I am literally paying the same price as T-Mobile charges for their internet…