Badges and missions

  • 15 June 2020
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +10

You may have noticed T-Mobile Community members with levels and rockin’ badges in their profiles. Want to know what these mean and how you can get them, too? You might already have a few, or be on your way to earning more!

Every move you make in the T-Mobile Support Community gets you one step closer to filling up your trophy case. We want the Community to be informative and fun! So start completing missions, earn awesome badges, level up, and show off!


How it works

Using recipes passed down through generations of T-Mobilites, we've handcrafted missions that you can partake in while using our Community.  Everyday tasks like posting a discussion or answering a question can get you closer to the next shiny new badge. We've got tons of them out there, so play around in our Community, get some help from other users, or drop some knowledge bombs yourself and start moving up the ranks!


Check out some of our missions:




Post 5 discussions


Get 10 of your answers marked correct


Answer 50 discussions



Here are some of the amazing badges you can earn!




The more you participate, the more points and badges you earn! You can learn about all the sweet user levels here: Member ranks and icons.

Pillar of the Community is the highest level you can attain in the T-Mobile Support Community. Pillars are truly T-Mobile’s elite!  Pillar status cannot be reached by point accumulation. Pillars are nominated by T-Mobile Staff for their T-Mobile products and services knowledge and willingness to share it with our Community members on a regular basis.

We love and appreciate our Pillars; aspire to be one!




How do I earn points and badges that I see other people with in the Community?

Want that shiny badge for yourself? No problem! Just click on any user's avatar to not only find out more about them, but to see a list of what missions they've completed and any badges they've earned!


I'm already knowledgeable and good looking, why should I get involved?

My, you are knowledgeable and good looking! Aside from getting to meet and interact with other awesome T-Mobile folk, you can use that big brain to help them out with their questions while earning awesomely unique badges. It's a win-win! If you don't feel like talking about how awesome the new iPhone is, head on over to the Magenta Lounge and talk about movies, games, or underwater basket weaving!


I have a question about missions, badges, or ranks. How do I contact someone friendly to help me out?

Easy! The Community is filled with super helpers. Start a discussion and someone will be happy to help you out!


I want to learn more about how the Support Community works.

Great! We designed our Get Started and How tos and guides sections just for you!

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