
Advanced Settings Arcadyan KVD21

Userlevel 2

Does tmobile read these forums?


It is absolutely imperative that they un-lobotomize the firmware to provide the ability to 1. disable wifi, 2. change the admin password.  this is pathetic.

17 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

I could not agree with you more but there are people out there that do provide ways to make the best of an imperfect solution. Do go to YouTube and check out Nater Tater’s videos. You can shut off the SSIDs for the radios and set your own admin password. Using the web interface with a hard wired connection to the gateway is my preferred way to manage the router. The Arcadyan is not where it should be but with the phone application and Nater Tater’s information you can make your way through it. I find the phone app to be a bit frustrating and buggy but in a pinch when it works well it does provide some visibility and control. The videos Nater Tater has provided are very helpful and necessary. 

Does T-Mobile read these forums? I really hope they do and are actively working to improve the software solution so subscribers get what is needed. I cannot disagree that the Arcadyan software and feature set is lacking. It really is in comparison to the Nokia gateway software. Both could be a bit more feature laden. I have the Nokia and it is working pretty good for me. Some just complain about it but I am very happy to have it. It beats anything else that is available in my location by miles. 

Userlevel 2

Thanks, that’s the best I was hoping for. Watching the video now. Wish someone would type out the instructions so it’s show up in a google search instead of having to, you know, watch a video or be told about it.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Does tmobile read these forums?

Personally I hope they are but I haven't seen any of the tmo_ employees post in the last couple of months. I think Tmobile is shifting their employee support to Facebook or Twitter.

Tforce use to frequent this board 5-6 years ago and help people but have since shifted to the other social media support leaving this a user to user forum like it was when I first started using this forum.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

 Yes, I know the video can be a bit long at times but it is good information and you can get the commands from below the video. I watched it a couple of times as there were a few things I had missed. I also prefer just to have the instructions in bulleted format. Nater Tater’s videos are very helpful but do take a little time to digest in places.

Userlevel 2
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x


# this creates json object for obtaining token
auth_payload=$(echo '{"username": "admin", "password": ""}' | jq -c ".password = \"${admin_pass}\"")
# this obtains a token from the router
token=$(curl -s -d "${auth_payload}" | jq -r ".auth.token")
# this gets the old config
old_ap_config=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" "")
# this modifies the old config in memory (no temp file in c:\ required)
new_ap_config=$(echo ${old_ap_config}|jq -c ".[\"2.4ghz\"].isRadioEnabled |= false | .[\"5.0ghz\"].isRadioEnabled |= false")
# this publishes the new config to the router
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" -d "${new_ap_config}" ""


^ disable both wifi networks. requires curl, jq.  don’t run this if it doesn’t make sense.

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Apparently firmware code is suffering from supply chain too.

Hello all!

I just recently got one of these Arcadyan KVD21 units as I was using an Inseego M2000, but after speaking with Inseego, there’s no way to add an external antenna to it unfortunately that they could offer, even though there ARE visible ports on the PCB...

Since I’ll be living in the sticks soon, I took the unit out to where I will be at and did a speed test and I got in excess of 200mbps down, which is all I need, so I probably won’t bother with an antenna!

What I DO need to do is to be able to disable the IPV6 as it’s causing issues. I watched a couple of YouTube videos regarding disabling WiFi, which I may need to do, but found nothing on IPV6?

I am a 20 year network admin and I can work with command line programming, so if anyone has any info on getting this done, I would appreciate it greatly!





Hello all!

I just recently got one of these Arcadyan KVD21 units as I was using an Inseego M2000, but after speaking with Inseego, there’s no way to add an external antenna to it unfortunately that they could offer, even though there ARE visible ports on the PCB...

Since I’ll be living in the sticks soon, I took the unit out to where I will be at and did a speed test and I got in excess of 200mbps down, which is all I need, so I probably won’t bother with an antenna!

What I DO need to do is to be able to disable the IPV6 as it’s causing issues. I watched a couple of YouTube videos regarding disabling WiFi, which I may need to do, but found nothing on IPV6?

I am a 20 year network admin and I can work with command line programming, so if anyone has any info on getting this done, I would appreciate it greatly!





Tom, I'm having your same issues right now. I have not found a workaround that does not involve some sort of coding or hacking procedure. I haven't attempted messing with the unit, and I shouldn't have to just to enjoy my service. I'm going to leave this up to t mobile, and if they're willing to lose customers that's on them. Because it's somewhat of a deal breaker for me. I'm giving them until next Monday. Maybe sooner if I get bad news. Check out my profile and see my latest post. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hello all!

I just recently got one of these Arcadyan KVD21 units as I was using an Inseego M2000, but after speaking with Inseego, there’s no way to add an external antenna to it unfortunately that they could offer, even though there ARE visible ports on the PCB...

Since I’ll be living in the sticks soon, I took the unit out to where I will be at and did a speed test and I got in excess of 200mbps down, which is all I need, so I probably won’t bother with an antenna!

What I DO need to do is to be able to disable the IPV6 as it’s causing issues. I watched a couple of YouTube videos regarding disabling WiFi, which I may need to do, but found nothing on IPV6?

I am a 20 year network admin and I can work with command line programming, so if anyone has any info on getting this done, I would appreciate it greatly!





There are no settings in the current firmware of TMO gateways where you can change IP parameters on the gateway. However, some folks have commented here that a TMO business internet comes with additional for pay options in regards to static IP so perhaps that’s a possibility but you would have to confirm with TMO directly.

Does tmobile read these forums?


It is absolutely imperative that they un-lobotomize the firmware to provide the ability to 1. disable wifi, 2. change the admin password.  this is pathetic.

it IS very pathetic, but I’ve been told by a home internet rep that instead of these features landing in the web interface *at least for the arcaydian model* that the ability to disable the wifi and configure more options will be landing in the home internet app as T-Mobile has already added the option to change the WPA security protocols for the arcaydian in the app as of today. So hopefully the ability to disable the Wifi for people that want to use their own routers will be coming soon.

Userlevel 2

I wrote a simple python script that can disable the WiFi:


It uses the method described by Nater Tater on his YouTube video:


Hi @DisgruntledArkadyanUser

Regarding changing the administrator password, the T-Mobile Internet mobile app allows you to change the password and has had that ability for a long time. 

I’m sure they will add the ability to turn wi-fi off at some point, although for non-technical folks who don’t have their own 3rd party router configured the right way, doing so would prevent the mobile app from communicating with the gateway, so that may be a reason this hasn’t been prioritized.

My networking friend tells me that an idle wi-fi network does not cause much (if any) interference/congestion, so I wouldn’t sweat the T-Mo gateway wi-fi being on so long as you don’t have any devices actively connecting to it.


Userlevel 2

Doesn’t matter if it causes interference/congestion, my employer’s security policies require no wifi except ones they manage. This isn’t about tinfoil hat, it’s about compliance.  It needs a more accessible off switch.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Personally, I don’t want a wifi built in that i have no control or access to.  

Would like to see ability to set in bridge mode to use my own router. Can anyone recommend a router that has helped with high latency scores? Were you using as router or in AP mode? Speeds are at least 4 times the dsl speeds I’m coming from but sometimes pages are very slow to load.

I used natural tater powershell to turn off wifi. Leave only 5ghz frequency and connect to the dynolink router.  Use the router to put out 2gh n 5gh signal changes the mtu to 1420 r 1452 . Which ever work best for me. Switching 1420 u will see an big increase in your upload speed n ping. Make sure airtime fairness is off and oas band steering off. U should see 50% increase in speed. Main thing is the mtu n only 5gh frequency going to the router. 

Hi @DisgruntledArkadyanUser

Regarding changing the administrator password, the T-Mobile Internet mobile app allows you to change the password and has had that ability for a long time. 

I’m sure they will add the ability to turn wi-fi off at some point, although for non-technical folks who don’t have their own 3rd party router configured the right way, doing so would prevent the mobile app from communicating with the gateway, so that may be a reason this hasn’t been prioritized.

My networking friend tells me that an idle wi-fi network does not cause much (if any) interference/congestion, so I wouldn’t sweat the T-Mo gateway wi-fi being on so long as you don’t have any devices actively connecting to it.



Hi - This unit has issues with overheating and causing issues. If you have your own router connected via ethernet, even more so. Turning off the wifi option removes this extra source that causes it to overwork.
