T-Mobile Cutting off customers

  • 17 August 2022
  • 1 reply


I have had home internet for about a year now (phone customer for 18 years), within the last 6 months towers were upgraded to N41 bands (nearest tower is 1/2 mile). I live in a rural area, but most of the town is considered Ultra-Capacity. My speeds would vary from 20Mbps to 200Mpbs. I have had some issues after tower updates, currently on my 4th gateway. About a week ago, began to have issues again. Contacted T-force and did the usual troubleshooting, eventually they opened a ticket. Just got a reply and it really sucks. Don't understand as they recently announced they are expanding service (home internet lite). Previously had Century-Link, and they only offer 3Mbps (was paying $75 and it constantly went down; was slower than 3). I guess I will hold on for as long as I can.


1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

The problem lies is licensing in most cases.  T-Mobile may have lost licensing in certain areas across the country by purchasing Sprint.  It’s an Anti-monopoly thing that happens when a carrier buys a carrier.  Also it could be an old licensing agreement expired and the spectrum owner is asking too much that a carrier in the area will lose money per customer, or the neighborhood board or similar is blocking new agreements or towers from being built.
