Access Customer Service Chat History

  • 6 July 2022
  • 3 replies


Is there a way to access my Chat history with Customer Service? I have an ongoing issue and the last time I chatted with them, I was able to see the previous conversations. Now they’re saying they have no record of the previous chats. Thanks!

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

No but you can save your chat when you exit.

It looks like you have to save you chat BEFORE the chat rep disconnects the chat. I was going to save my chat and follow whatever instructions they gave me but the chat disappeared before I could copy anything.


I was given a chat ID when I requested a transcript of our chat.   I then asked how can I access this and the agent said on the Tmobile app.  I checked on the app but couldn't find any past chat conversations as he stated. Thankfully I took screen shots.  If anyone knows how to look up past chat convos, please share.
