
Billing Issues - Overcharge No Resolution

  • 19 November 2021
  • 14 replies

Userlevel 1

There has been an error on my bill for two consecutive months for charges that should not be there. We are talking $500-$600. I call every few weeks, go through the same story, spend 1.5-2 hours on the phone each time. Meanwhile, I get text messages sent to my son’s phone that my bill is overdue and services are going to be disconnected. I have been with Sprint for 14 years and autopay. How the actual can I owe a bill. I am always promised I will receive a call in 3-5 business days from an escalation person. Never have received a call after the 5 times I have been promised. I am currently on hold now...1 hour and 51 minutes on this call, now transferring. HELP!!!!

14 replies

Userlevel 1

I can’t even make this up...the call was disconnected. Now, I am calling back in. Will probably have to tell the same story AGAIN...:rolling_eyes:

Userlevel 1

On the phone for another 30 minutes, was told I needed to pay XXX to keep my services while they made the adjustment. Also, was told AGAIN someone would call me back next week. We’ll see. I am beyond frustrated. It’s simple accounting: when you credited my account for the charge I should not have, you also must adjust the statement to reflect what I should have originally owed. Balance! When you only show the credit back (like you took my payment away), my account shows I owe.

Let me help your accounting department:

October 20 billed $624

Only Owe $171

Credit my card back $453, you keep $171. Adjust my statement online to October bill $171. 

Userlevel 1

1st agent calls back to say they realize I was disconnected. I tell her I spoke to another rep who had me make a payment over the phone to keep my services from being suspended (even though Tmobile/Sprint made the billing error and I’m on autopay for the last 10 years). She says she’s transferring me to a “supervisor” so I am put on hold. AGAIN. I have spent over 3 hours on the phone with Tmobile/Sprint today….on hold now too. :rolling_eyes:

Userlevel 1

Got disconnected….big surprise! And, they called me this time. :weary: I think Tmobile/Sprint should send me a check for all the hours I have given to them today instead of working on my own business. If I ran my business like they do theirs, I would have no customers. I am nothing more than a telephone number. 


We have 3 lines. 2 of them have been charged for Hot Spot Service for over a year. I only wanted one line to be a hot spot line. I called 611 and talked w a rep who could not tell me what a hot spot was. I asked to speak to a manager and she said there were no managers there. How can I get a refund for all the months that I was charged?

My bills trippers almost 500 a month should be 170 told its 226 but yet I pay a min of 300 each month for phones to get shut off, one month I paid jan $1086, feb 800 march 600 something. No. One listen. They lie and over charge and I don't have 5g i have 4g. I wrote fairshake and started school claim. I will be calling my bank because I don't even get my calls and services haven't been fulfilled and makes my lined. 

1 have 50 a month hotspot last month they charged me 137 reconnect fee because they disconnected now said 50 amonth but they charged  me 230 are all cell phone and internet companies  thieves 

Loyal customer has left. These constant over charges are malicious with an intent to gouge the working class. Falls in place with let’s take from the working families, who cares attitude. $160 a month bill to $443 in one month. I’m done. 

Same here with 400 + on charges. Let's get this class action going. They're trying to Cooke their books and/or commit fraud.

Last month, I got a new line from T mobile with the phone was provided by T-Mobile. The deal was has to with T-Mobile for 24 months and free charge of the new phone.

 This month the bill came out  was more than double. I spent more  than 1.5 hours to speak with customer rep regarding the issue.  This is wasting my time! The customers rep adjusted some credit for wrong billing. No sure if the problem is  really fixed , I will see next month bill.

  I have with T-Mobile more than 9 years, with this billing issues, I have lost confidence with T-Mobile.

 Watching out your T-Mobile bill !

There has been an error on my bill for two consecutive months for charges that should not be there. We are talking $500-$600. I call every few weeks, go through the same story, spend 1.5-2 hours on the phone each time. Meanwhile, I get text messages sent to my son’s phone that my bill is overdue and services are going to be disconnected. I have been with Sprint for 14 years and autopay. How the actual $^$^$%% can I owe a bill. I am always promised I will receive a call in 3-5 business days from an escalation person. Never have received a call after the 5 times I have been promised. I am currently on hold now...1 hour and 51 minutes on this call, now transferring. HELP!!!!

Have you tried contacting Customer Care via Facebook Messenger. It’s my favorite. I feel like they manage a few conversations at a time so they might not be instant with their reply, but still quick if that makes sense. Give it a whirl, explain the efforts you’ve put into getting the matter corrected and what your end goal is. Best of luck!

I would recommend that if you were a previous Sprint customer that you switch over to the T-Mobile platform. The reason the service is so horrendous as of late is because T-Mobile purchased Sprint but have to honor the contracts of Sprint customers and because it's now trying to blend both services with different bandwidths it's congesting it! Their internet is supposed to be run off of the Sprint band. But I can say that I've had some issues with their billing lately and I've been with T-Mobile for 7 years. So you're not alone! I feel like since they are merger service & $, has gone downhill for both parties!


I have a plan that is called just “phone calls and unlimited text” no internet service at all for $20 a month. I don´t understand how can Tmobile overcarged me $583 and they´re arguing  I used 38 mGb of inetrnet. How could I do it if don´t have internet acces?? They don´t want to solve the problem and they say I have to pay or they will disconect my service. Is somebody out there that can give me an idea on how to fix this without having to pay the full amount??

There has been an error on my bill for more than two consecutive months for charges that are prepaid. The charges are $400 , but reflects as positive. I have sent in remittance coupons / payments to the processing center and to corporate office, yet I haven’t received update to my account. I have copies of all. I even received different amounts on my mailed monthly coupon and I brought this to awareness via mail, but I haven’t still received any response. Unfortunately, due to this billing error my account has been suspended due to the lack of performance on your department end and mishandling my security interest. I have also filed my complaint with the If there is no adjustment to my account I will leave no other option to file complaint with and further.
