
Contacts in DIGITS

  • 6 February 2022
  • 4 replies


No matter what I do, I can’t get my Windows installed Digits app to sync my contacts. I use this for business texting and chose to use Digits BECAUSE I would be able to text from my computer but if I can’t see who the text is coming from without picking up my phone and looking to see who it is? It’s absolutely ridiculous. 

PLUS I know that everyone is saying this - To have to log in with text code verification every single time I go working on my computer is so inconvenient. AND to then try to sync contacts every time - which has stopped working anyway. This service has got to be improved and updated. I think you are getting enough of this same feedback to realize this. 

4 replies

Same problem here. I don’t know who we should contact about this. 


Here’s my list of everything that’s wrong and SHOULD/CAN be fixed re: the Digits interface/experience. 

  • windows app - allow stay logged in so it doesn’t log out and is already logged in on start up. 
  • windows app - actually sync the contacts when you connect to your gmail/google acct (or other email/contacts account of choice)
  • windows app - keep contacts synced for every time you start up/use the digits app - until you choose to disconnect. 
  • windows app - add a new contact (because it’s synced and actively connected) when you add a contact in your gmail/google account. 
  • windows app - make it possible to add contacts from inside the app
  • android phone app - make it possible to add contact from inside the app
  • windows app - it keeps telling me I have new messages that are OLD texts that I’ve already read/clicked on. Over and over and over. Same ones. STOP that from happening. 
  • All apps - make it possible to block numbers from calls or texts.
  • T-mobile/Digits - have a customer chat readily available with support for this service.
  • All apps - 90% of pics/image files I try to send, show it sent on my end but my recipients never get it. WHY??? Fix that. The only way I’ve found that it gets sent successfully 100% of the tries, is if I take the pic from the app “camera” option. This is ridiculous!

I know there’s more. Anyone else, please add! 

You pretty much summed up all the problems I see. Unfortunately T-Mobile has no elegant cross-device sync capability like Apple does with iMessage.

I just wish they got the bare minimum fixed. For me that’s #1, #2, & #7 that you mentioned. Otherwise the service is unusable without logging in easily, knowing who you’re texting, and being able to track conversations (without glitches).

Hope T-Mobile sees this.

I do want to add that if you have an ipad, my iCloud contacts (which were imported from Google) synced with app. Now I have contacts on the web app and the iPad OS app. However, my conversations only synced on the iPad.
