
Does no one at T Mobile know what is going on and what plans they offer, etc?


Unfortunately, I went to T Mobile Friday to switch carriers.  The rep. signed me up for a non-existent plan and for a non-existent switch phone pay off offer.  .  .  I went in telling the rep. that I wanted the Go5G 55 $40 a line offer for 3 phones and to get the phone pay off by switching.  I told her I did not want to trade in any phones or receive any phone offers.  She said she could do better and get me 3 lines on the Go5G Plus plan for $100 and get my phones paid off.  She then told me to go to my carrier and pay my phones off and come back.  Big mistake on my part.  I was not given a copy of the order/invoice in the store, only a paper she filled out by hand, and I did not sign anything in the store other than for my credit card payment.  Saturday I find an email from T Mobile indicating that the plan she signed me up for was $165 a month.  Also, when I attempted to get my phone pay off ecard for switching, I was informed I was not eligible because I did not trade in the phone and get a new one and/or my carrier was not on the list of carriers eligible for the switch phone pay off.    I spent 3 hours online on Saturday trying to get it sorted out only to find out Sunday that that rep had signed me up for an old version of the Go5G 55 plan that was still $160 and did not include NetFlix.  .  .  Here I go Monday and, get billed and charged for $160 for a plan I did not sign or request.  Also, I currently have two active lines on one phone because T Mobile goofed trying to port my number and instead activated a second esim on the phone and assigned a number to it.  They told me to contact the old carrier because it was there issue.  I did and was informed they had never received a request to port the number.  I have tried repeatedly to get someone at T Mobile, online and on the phone, to understand the issue and simply submit the request to my old carrier.  .  .  No one comprehends and though, it seems, they have corrected my plan, they added a “screen” for Netflix I did not request at a $9.99 per month charge.  Honestly, I wish I had never even thought about switching.   I am told that I will receive a credit for the over charges on my next bill.  Anyone want to bet I don’t?   At least with my old carrier we also had customer support that English was their native language and would actually address issues.  Here, neither is true and they act like they don’t have a clue.  Truly.  .  .

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