
i was not notified that my One 55+ plan was increasing by $15 a month. Just the text my bill was now $105

  • 26 June 2024
  • 1 reply


Shouldn’t they contact me and explain when bill went up? And should I keep my One 55 plan for 3 lines at $105 a month? Other plans are worse or more &$$. My original One plan 55+ said it was price locked for life

1 reply


If your bill has increased unexpectedly, it's reasonable to contact your service provider to inquire about the reasons behind the increase and seek clarification. They should be able to explain any changes in charges or plans and provide transparency about the adjustments.

Regarding your One 55 plan for 3 lines at $105 a month, it's important to compare it with the available plans to ensure you're getting the best value. If the One 55 plan is still the most cost-effective option compared to other available plans that may be more expensive or less suitable, you might consider keeping it. Additionally, if your original plan stated it was price-locked for life, confirming this with your provider would be beneficial to understand if any changes should have occurred.

It's advisable to reach out to your service provider directly to discuss these concerns and explore the best options available to you based on your needs and budget.






