
Logging in from a PC


I originally signed up for T-Mobile internet (been very  happy with it).  I created an account, so that I could log in on my PC to monitor my data usage, billing, etc.  When I would login I would enter my “username” (phone number for the internet router), my password, it would then send a code to my email address that I would then input to complete the login process.  I’m using FireFox as my browser, and I could never get it to “Remember This Device”.  Same with the Edge browser.  But, I could live with that.

Recently I established a cell phone account with Tmobile.  Now when I try to login to my account, after entering my password, it sends a text message with the code to my cell phone, that I have to enter on the PC.

Sometimes I don’t have the phone near the PC.  Is there anyway to change it back to sending an email?  Or, make the “Remember This Device” work?

Thanks much for any assistance!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Remembering the device works depending on your browsers fingerprinting, credentials saving, and cookie settings.  As far as I know, it will always go to your cellphone as long as you have a line with T-Mobile.  

I’m having the exact same issue. I have a pre-paid account and every time I log into T-Mobile ( from my browser, it asks for my password and forces a text with a verification code, even though both my username and password are already saved in my browser. There is no option to send the code via email or to “Remember This Device”. Called customer support and their advice was to clear my browser data and to accept the cookie again. This did not work for me.
