What happened to customer service???

  • 21 September 2018
  • 25 replies

Userlevel 2

I've been a T-Mobile customer for years. At one point, in response to an issue I had when my account was inadvertently changed by a store representative, I was given some sort of status where whenever I called in for support, I was routed to a higher level of support. Notice past-tense.

Over the years, I received outstanding tech support whenever I required it. In the last few months, suddenly, every tech support request (mostly for the same issue that never gets resolved), I been sent over to a call center in the Philippines. Before anyone accuses me of xenophobia, I was born in the Philippines and I speak the language fluently and I spend about 6 months of the year in Manila. I'm intimately aware of how things work in the Philippines.

The biggest problem is comprehension. As I do when I'm in the Philippines and ask a question at a mall or store for example, whether in English or Tagalog, it always takes two or more tries to get the person that I'm speaking to to understand what I need. When the issue is of a technical nature and there are no Tagalog equivalent words and it gets even more complicated. Compounding this are the inherent Filipino traits that they are super polite and genuinely don't want to disappoint you. Filipinos feel that saying "I don't know" means that they're not helping you. In their eagerness to help, the original message gets confused. This is a cultural thing that most Americans don't understand. To be sure, if Filipinos were to be routed to a call center in the United States, I'm certain that they would have the same issues as Americans calling Filipino call centers.

For example, in July (2018) I purchased two Apple Watches from a local store in San Diego. I discovered when I received my bill that my plan was changed and increased by $20 per month (apart from the increases due to the Apple Watches), and "free" Netflix was added. I called back to find out why, and I was told that I had requested the plan change. I didn't. It didn't make any sense to pay an additional $20 for something worth $10. The CSR, part of my "team" was at a call center in the Philippines. I was told that they would correct the problem revert back to the correct plan. The next time I got my bill, it wasn't changed. So I called again. I got the same "I will resolve your issues to  you satisfaction, I guarantee it", but the next bill came around and it still didn't get corrected. So I called again. Still no resolution. Each call lasted more than 20 minutes. Upon arrival in San Diego a few days ago, I went to a store where they attempted to fix the problem. Still no resolution. So I called support again from San Diego and again I got a call center in the Philippines. I asked to get the call escalated, and I got... another person in the Philippine call center. The person I spoke to after being escalated had excellent command of English, and actually sounded American. However, she still had some issues understanding what I wanted and would ask me questions for which I'd already provided answers. Still waiting for resolution.

If it takes 4 or more tries to get resolution on an issue at a foreign call center and once at an American call center, I'm not sure that the cost savings involved in a foreign call center are worth it. Add to that the intangible cost of unhappy customers. Is it possible the T-Mobile bean counters don't take this into consideration?

25 replies

Userlevel 1



My wife and I went to Greece last year and I had absolutely no access to my phone service 95 percent of the time even with purchasing the “international pass” for a month . We are now in the Bahamas and experiencing the same exact problem . I have a job that requires access to my phone at all times for patients with acute disorders . They WILL charge you every penny even without being able to use your phone . Attached are photos showing proof of having no access at all . Please keep in mind we have already been here two days and when we were in Greece it was for a month ! HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE WITH NO SOLUTIONS . 

Mr Legere, 

The company is charging me $1200.00 for a phone that was damaged that i returned. i have proof of returned and it was received, after speaking with several customer services people they keep telling me they need to verify and thats why the charge. why the customer is being punished for something your company did? . They claimed not to receive my old damaged cell phone I sent back to them during a claim. your costumer service has declined in the last few months, hiring incompetent people or least the training given is not enough. i have also being charged for more than 7 months for an apple watch line that i disconnected a while back. also at a store in Pines blvd and th expressway i was misstreated by Frank, didnt care about my issue and he just told me, you should have done that at the store not online. all I get is “ i am working on that “ my apologies. but nothing is getting done. i have been with Tmobile for over 20 years and spent about $78K in phone and lines. is this how you care about your customers?

this has to be resolved.

We are on the verge of switching to Mint as T-Mobile has not resolved a problem that has been ongoing for over a month. We have spoken to customer service and tech support several times… given contradictory information and even went to an official T-Mobile store in hopes of resolving the issue. Not only were they not able to resolve our issue the woman asked us not to give her a bad review when we receive the txt survey after departing! Yes, they offer excellent international rates but they sell Samsung phones which are all regionally locked. One arm not communicating with the other. We now have a new Samsung phone that won’t allow us to access data in the United States. If we purchased one here it wouldn’t work there, Why would they sell Samsung phones when they cause problems for their customers who love one of their best services? Meanwhile we are looking at best options: avoid Samsung phones, buy something unlocked with global access such as Pixel, Sony or Apple and try other contract plans such as consumer cellular or Mint. The only power we have today is how we choose to spend our $$. If I am going to pay for customer service I expect our problems to be solved- otherwise I might as well use a provider that costs half as much and doesn’t give us the runaround.

I thought I was the only one complaining about their newer offshore customer service. I am having issues not receiving voicemails and messages, which are delayed by 12 hours or more sometimes. 

I didn’t realize it was the Phillipines that they outsourced to. I didn’t know what country but all I knew is it wasn’t the same customer service they used to have in Bellevue WA and other places around the States.

I will agree that understanding English and “American” slang is not easy, however it’s like these folks are trained to literally repeat everything you say 3-4 times, then they repeat “what they are going to do” for you 3-4 times before they actually go do it.  In between those repeated lines, they give you a huge word salad of other platitudes like “i’m so sorry, this is important to me, this is my job so we take it seriously, I know this must be so frustrating for you blah blah blah ” and just a whole lot of time wasting goes on before they actually do what they say they will do for you which is usually a credit and send you to tech support.

It’s infuriating that each time I call, it takes at least 30 minutes plus to get to the end of the call.  Are these CSA people just stretching out each and every call so they don’t have to take as many calls on the switchboard?  Certainly they aren’t getting paid by the number of calls they take so it seems like they’re overdoing it and just stalling so they don’t have to take as many infuriated customers in their daily job?  All this does is piss off the customer even more.

This last phone call was literally 30+ minutes, all for them to email me some trouble shooting tips and give me a $50 credit.  

Spend less time on stupid T-Mobile Tuesdays “discounts” that you can get through any other rewards program like Perks for Work or AAA or even AARP, and get some AMERICAN customer service agents who understand the importance of accurate communication and quick resolution to issues.


I have called Customer Service every 45 minutes for the last 6 hours. No one answers. I have been with T-Mobile for 23 years.

Time to change!

I have been with them forever.  They obvioulsy have stopped carrying about customer service.  I have no been on hold as i type this for over an  hour to speak with a rep about my bill.  I wish there was a class action.   I am going to leave them.   Sad part is i used to love them and was so loyal.  From my understand after speaking with somoene in the store.  They have let go of most of the American customers service reps and now they are mostly in the Philipines.  And these poor people can’t do anything for you.  Last year Tmobile had record profits and what do they do they fire all of the US customer service reps.   I have never experienced a company do so much to try Make more money on the backs of their customers.  

I have problem  with  My downloard my Pdf  summery  Billing

really close to calling it quits on Tmobile after being a loyal customer for well over a decade. I’ve been having so many issues with them, dealing with my plan now for 2-3 months. we were misquoted when upgrading our service, thats costing me $40 more per month than i was quoted; but of ocurse its not their problem. I get passed around from customer service rep to customer service rep, to store rep, and back around… its a never ending cycle of frustration. 
the newer issue is a several hundred dollar international call charge on my bill, which no one on my family plan made. of course i don’t get an native english speaking customer service rep, which makes things that much more difficult. but the main issue with these call centers abroad is that they have absolutlely no compassion or understanding of being loyal to your customer base. i’ve never made an international call before (i use google voice if i need to make an international call, which is rare in the first place). any rep located in the U.S. would take a look at our call history and see that we never make calls abroad and that we’re customers for X number of years, and they would remove the charge as a “one time courtesy” and that would be it. but these call centers are told by their managers to not give an inch; they are probably threatened with losing their jobs if they do; it’s really a terrible situation for both sides, honestly. 
but the customer service at tmobile has really gotten bad. the past several years i dread having to speak with them if its anything more that the simplest matter, and even that ends up taking at least 15-20 minutes to deal with.  

Tmobile… please fix this! 

Tmobile has become the Southwest Airlines of the telecommunications industry.  Did they just hire Elon Musk and he fired the entire customer service department?  This is for both phone “service” and the 5G internet gateway. Five days and six hours on hold and zero response.  The callback feature so you don’t have to wait on hold, is disabled and not functioning.  They should change their name to Zero Mobile. I can’t even call out of my house anymore.  No signal, SOS or weak signal that lasts for maybe 2 minutes.  And nobody to call.  If I go into the store I bought the phone, they will tell you they are only sales people and I have to call 611.  Problem is, nobody answers the 611, 800 or 844 numbers.  The trifecta of failed calls.  This company is out of control and needs to be held accountable.  A class action lawsuit may be the only answer for these thieves. 

In store clerks are great but if you need anything done to your account you have to call. I had an issue that should have taken 5 minutes, according to the store clerk but I had to call in. I called customer service while he was right next to me. ONE FULL HOUR, mostly spent on hold, I asked twice to speak to a supervisor, didn’t happen. My issue went unresolved. To make matters worst. An hour later I get a call from T-Mobile..,are you ready…they asked me why I called!  Two months left on my contract and I’m gone. 
customer service tells you what a company is all about and T-Mobile falls below short!

Userlevel 1


Userlevel 1

OMG! THANK YOU! Thank you for saying this! Because I've been saying this for the last 3 years with Citibank, AT&T and now T-mobile Customer Service! It is like speaking to a non-intelligent game computer of the 80s! 

When I moved to Tmobile with its 5G Router, I had expected the amazing customer service I used to get from T-mobile 4 yrs back with my cell phone. Really REGRETTING the decision! Absolutely REGRETTING IT.


The router has forced me to change my appleTV equipment, and now my printers..... now,, I receive the new HP printer and the new one doesn't connect with the 5G router either.. 

5 HOURS spent on the subject connecting 3 pieces of equipment and you get MORONS when u call Customer Service!

Ironically, AT&T which sucked all these years, now gives me a person in the US - someone who resolves issues right away!

What a turn of events! Sad! 

I called customer service to resolve an issue with my phone sending me notifications that didn't exist . Anyway at the end of our conversation the rep says I have been with tmobile long enough to quality for a free watch , out of sarcasm I ask 'how much will this cost me " he said $5 a month . I said cool that will work , it was only the active 2 watch but free is worth it. However I got the watch and and my next bill had the new line added for it that was more than $5 a month but on top of that I was now on a payment plan to pay more than $300 for the watch   well needless to say customer service couldn't fix that either. I paid off the watch to get it off my bill but if I was going to buy the watch I would have shot higher than the active2. I to believe its time to move to a company that listens and that can offer better service in the place of things like tmobile Tuesday and free watches that aren't free

Userlevel 1

I agree. I’ve been with T-Mobile for several years and the customer service was fantastic until recently. Now I know it’s worthless to even try and call

The customer service is what has kept me with T-Mobile for 15 years! I have called customer service 3-5 x's with no resolve to what is going on. Very sad because this was such a great company for customer service! Makes me want to change carriers too!! 

Userlevel 2

I have been a T-Mobile customer for over 15 years. The company has gone to the dark side. T-Mobile does not care about customer service, actually, T-Mobile fricken hates you. Did you see that on April 2, T-mobile will start unConstitutionally FIRING unvaxxed employees and put people on unpaid leave if they only have one vax? This is the sign of a company that has lost its spine. Morally bankrupt Cowards.

I will be moving to another carrier. T-Mobile sucks!

Userlevel 1

I’ve used T-Mobile for 15+ years, with the exception of one year I went to Verizon.  T-Mobile used to have The Best customer service I’d experienced.  The customer service the last few years has been the absolute worst and I’m about to take my business elsewhere.  

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

what does “T-Mobile bean counters” mean?


Watch the movie “Class Action”.


Perfect example of a bean counter.



Is it possible the T-Mobile bean counters don't take this into consideration?

what does “T-Mobile bean counters” mean?

Just the fact you don’t know what this means is the problem. Most people who are on the other end of customer service should know what this means. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Is it possible the T-Mobile bean counters don't take this into consideration?

what does “T-Mobile bean counters” mean?

accountants. the money people

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Is it possible the T-Mobile bean counters don't take this into consideration?

what does “T-Mobile bean counters” mean?

Bean counters are the people who count the money.

Is it possible the T-Mobile bean counters don't take this into consideration?

what does “T-Mobile bean counters” mean?

When he hear a heavily accented “Not to worry”, it’s time to worry because you’re talking to an agent without: significant training, ability to rectify issues, or English skills. I am not aggravated at the agents and know they’re doing their best, but I’ve spent wasted hours talking to Filipino agents and haven’t gotten nowhere.  I wonder whether Tmobile execs ever try calling these numbers to get the true customer experience, not the one they see in commercials.  

LOL if you think TMobile exec go through the same people we “plebes” go through you probably think Gavin Newsome and Nancy Pelosi are staying out of the restaurants they shut everyone out of. Tech Execs are no different than politicians. 

When he hear a heavily accented “Not to worry”, it’s time to worry because you’re talking to an agent without: significant training, ability to rectify issues, or English skills. I am not aggravated at the agents and know they’re doing their best, but I’ve spent wasted hours talking to Filipino agents and haven’t gotten nowhere.  I wonder whether Tmobile execs ever try calling these numbers to get the true customer experience, not the one they see in commercials.  

Userlevel 2

Issues barely get resolved. One has to make several calls  and calls are answered in Philipines. Calls are answered by very polite agents.

Common sentences used are I apologize Sir, Not to worry, No need to worry. I will issue a credit. Without making any notes. Big blony. I will call you after research. It never happens.

After six calls and staying on phone for at least 1 hour each time. Nothing got resolved. This what corporate America has come to.  I will recommend not to waste time anymore.


