
Can't send gifs

  • 20 January 2022
  • 9 replies


I recently switched over to TMobile and upgraded to the Samsung S21 but ever since I got this phone I can't send gifs through text message anymore. The error message says "message size limit reached." However I can text videos or pics that are bigger than gifs. I had no problem sending gifs with my S9 through Verizon. I also have 5G.

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

you went through settings to change around any size limitations? also you might jump over to Samsungs forums to see if there is anything posted about it over there..Samsung texting app..they control that..


you could also try ruling out their stock texting app by downloading a different one like Googles..test it and if it works then the problem is their app.

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Is your MMS size restriction in your MMS apps settings set to maximum?


I figured it out. It was the message app I was using. I switched apps and gifs work for me now. Thank you!

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

actually since they mentioned V i jumped over to their forums and low and behold


so im leaning towards Samsung screwed something up on their phones OR with their texting apps.

Userlevel 7
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I figured it out. It was the message app I was using. I switched apps and gifs work for me now. Thank you!

not the first time they have screwed up their texting app out of nowhere lol.

I'm having the same problem on my OnePlus 10 Pro. I was able to send regular gifs like 30 seconds ago, and then all of a sudden I couldn't -same error message-.  But for every ~5  attempts it Will work. So it's not my settings or anything. I restarted my phone and it's still doing it. Earlier today I accidentally changed my messaging app default to the Google one, and then switched it back, which is what likely messed this up. I would love to use Google's messaging app, but my built in OnePlus's app let's me pin convos to the top. With my adhd, it's an absolute necessity, so switching is not an option. If I figure out a magic fix, I'll let you know. 🤞

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

you can pin them with Googles Messages as well. long press the message and you’ll see a push pin option at the top with delete and a few other options.


not OCD yet very OCD with certain things..heck i clear my call history every week just so i know its always fresh and not cluttered lol.

Thanks so much for the help 😊 I did find that, but you can only pin up to 3 people/conversations. OnePlus gives you at least 10. (Btw, OnePlus makes the best phones I have Ever used, since the inception of cell phones, sorry, just returning the favor 😁)

 I did want to mention that while it’s still crap shoot as to whether I can send a gif, it’s given me that error message Regardless of which messaging app I use, which I thought was Really weird. I have re-started my device several times now, combed over the settings to see if there was anything amiss, and I can’t figure out how to fix it. I might have to call tech support 🙄

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

im almost positive OP uses either Samsungs texting app or a variant of it..


is this by chance happening when you have  a weak data signal?
