
Gun/Firearms Blocked with porn


Hey T-Mobile, why do you have guns/firearms lumped into the same category as porn so that in order to look at, completely legal to all ages, gun websites you have to unblock the porn websites? It is completely legal to own and view guns for American of all ages. It is not, in fact, legal for children to view or have porn advertised to them. Furthermore, tens of millions of Americans are legal gun owners as well as their children, which is also not against the law. As a matter of fact, I purchased my first shotgun when I was 11 yrs old with my fathers blessings at a Service Merchandise and I still have it 35 yrs later. If a parent feels that they would not like their child to view gun website, support that decision. However, the rest of America would like to keep guns and porn separated since they are very different things. 

Please separate guns/firearms from the rest of the things you are blocking. The second amendment is still the law in America in case you forgot!!!

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Try turning off the Web Guard. This use to be set up by default on prepaid plans.


I don’t think you may have read my question. I know you can turn off Web Guard. The point of the question is that by turning off Web Guard you are turning of all other protections when guns should not be lumped together with illegal activity and porn on the internet!!!! THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!!!! Not viewing guns would be the same as saying I don’t want to see car advertisements. It’s a personal preference, not a crime or inappropriate look at.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

I don't understand why they're lumped together but it is Tmobile’s network with terms and condions for use we all signed without reading when we signed up for service.
