Report Lousy customer service

  • 12 February 2024
  • 2 replies


How do I report? Absolutely horrible customer service? I went into the T-Mobile store on 48th and Owen and Lincoln in November to buy my son a phone. I was told by the representatives there that if I added a line I would get another line free. we talked through this I did not need the line at that point in time but he assured me if I did it, I would have a free line for life and since I have another younger child in a couple years, I would have a free line. When I received my first bill, of course it was $25 more than it was supposed to be. I contacted T-Mobile customer service and they said I was an eligible. I went back to the store and they said oh we thought you were eligible but you aren’t there’s nothing we can do. The store has said there’s nothing they can do  The customer service online has said there’s nothing they can do. Although several people have tried to help me and we’re giving me credits and told me it was taken care of and then those credits are not approved. I was with Sprint for 22 years and never had a complaint. I’ve been with T-Mobile two years and those two years I’ve twice tried to add a service  And the plan that was sold to me in the store was not honored by T-Mobile online. Each time they said I was in eligible for the promotion that was offered to me in the store. I am beyond frustrated as I can no longer believe anything that a T-Mobile representative tells me. That goes even further, when twice T-Mobile representatives have told me of the credit they will be applying to my line or to my bill  And then later I’m told we’re sorry that wasn’t approved. I have those saved in my history exchanges with T-Mobile. How do I get the store manager to contact me to see if there’s some amends that can be made? I’m not unreasonable 22 years with sprint never a complaint two years with T-Mobile and I am looking to switch  Providers and also to spread the word that whatever is told to you in a T-Mobile store is non-binding by T-Mobile. It is absolutely amazing and so frustrating. I hope somebody who can do something about this reads this and will contact me. I am a family of seven that will have phones for years to come but apparently T-Mobile doesn’t value me enough enough to honor what was sold to me in the store 

2 replies

Hello and thank you for letting me vent! I had an awful online customer service experience today T-Mobile and I’m not happy! I called the customer service line to inquire about a tablet I just bought for specifics on the terms of financing and purchase. I explained to the customer service rep, I just wanted to understand what I was paying for and the breakdown of charges. I had taken advantage of a promotion that provided the tablet free in exchange for a 24-month service commitment. The device cost $198, but my monthly service charge for financing was $20 over 24 months, totaling $480. I was simply asking my representative, “What am I paying for if the device is free?” She then hesitated and fully berated me, by saying “You can’t get something for nothing!” As I’m old enough to fully understand that, I felt offended and dressed down by simply asking my question. So, I kindly asked if could I speak with someone else, to which she casually stated, “I don’t know if anyone else can help you!” That’s when I decided to end the conversation. If this is the level of customer service that I’ve received as a loyal customer for well over a decade, is T-Mobile signaling that I should find another carrier and take my business elsewhere? I am older and I am used to better customer service, which I’ve had in the past with T-Mobile. Are those days gone? Please let me know. Thank you for letting me tell my side of the story. 

I tryed to explain to my representative that I was calling for an ambulance when my service was disconnected and he told me to die and disconnected the chat
