
Overcharged for internet....twice!

  • 23 August 2023
  • 3 replies


Why am I being charged more for my internet than quoted? I was told it was 30 dollars a month and am being charged 50 dollars. I got an email for the price lock guarantee of 30 dollars a month and bought another one for my second home. I’m being charged 50 dollars for that one, too! I have the senior plan for being over 55.

3 replies

Similar thing happening to me. I was told $50 a month and I’m getting billed $55. I am also a senior and I’m pretty sure we talked about that and I’m not getting a senior rate either. I’ve only been a customer for three months

Attention T-Mobile: this is not how you keep new customers.

Userlevel 1

I have the same issue and they are saying that they never had the promotion I was givin so they won’t honor it…. Can you say scum bags!

Same problem here! I was told $30 a month and it was unlimited, not only was it not unlimited the map said i wasn't in an area that supported coverage even though I was told I was. Also was told my new Motorola Edge would be free with TMO reimbursing me each month.Not true! I've been trying for 3 weeks to get thru to a service rep being put on hold hell for hours at a time. I to am on the senior 55 plan that is always $100 or more. Now my bill is $350! $150 for internet per month that i couldn't use. The store sales associate lied and when I went back to return their equipment he no longer works there! I've been w/ T-mobil since they were Aerial! I've also been on hold while writing this for 40 min now! You guys suck now! Guess im finding a new carrier! 
