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Starting to act and sound like sprint. Miss advertising and corning you into extra charges on everything. I figured this merger would affect the reputation that T-Mobile had. 

Yes, bit more and more they are. I already heard from someone that fixed an issue three years ago with a problem. Lead, Executive Response, Office of the President, and she already responded that she will have someone call me to fix this to not go to FCC. Sorry, can not give their Corp email or phone number out.

I know they are not going to like this, but if anyone has any issue with any Carrier, Cable service or services regulated by the FCC you can file an online report with the FCC if you can’t get help from customer service. Then you will have a name and number also. I very seldom ever have to call customer support after using FCC.

The only people that can respond to you is someone in Corporate offices that can take care of the FCC complaints. It’s never anyone in customer service like when you call support. These people can do it all, and approval is not usally needed before they do. They make the decision and it’s done. They have certain number of days to call you, and when they do it’s their goal to have it taken care of before the call ends or with in short time if field tech is needed for location work or they can face fines if not taken care of. The complaints also go against their costs for spectrum when they go to expand. The FCC does follow up when they say it was taken care of to verify with you they did.
