
Hospital Can't Call!!!

  • 18 October 2023
  • 0 replies


Is anyone else experiencing this!? We just switched to T mobile. I have been frantic waiting to hear back from my medical provider only find out today from their office that they have been calling… lots. She guessed that we are on T Mobile and said that T Mobile has been blocking their calls and not allowing them to get ahold of patients! This is for a life-threatening issue for us and we have been waiting for the busy scheduler to get us in! If we miss our window for surgery and suffer ill-effects I think I need to look into suing! I don’t want to even think about that, but we still have no way for them to get ahold of us. I opened up a new line with Verizon and gave them the number out of desperation!

An additional insult to injury is that we were expecting to hear from a potential employer for a highly sought-after, time-sensitive position. We need this job, and assured that we would be contacted regardless. You guessed it, this is at a healthcare facility. 

So, aside from missing critical health-care calls we have potentially lost out on employment! 

Does anyone know what I can do? We have been on hold with chat and call for over an hour!

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