Please unlock my phone, IMEI/SN: 353011092831155
Sprint’s approach to device unlocking
Sprint no longer exists as a company or service and more than likely, the device can’t be SIM unlocked for that reason. To qualify for a SIM unlock from T-Mobile. You must be a T-Mobile USA customer and meet all of the requirements of the SIM Unlock Policy.
SIM Unlock Policy | Unlock Your Mobile Wireless Device | T-Mobile
Sprints approach to device unlocking is on par with meet the criteria then your phone gets unlocked. you DONT meet the criteria then it doesnt get unlocked.
how to satisfy
by meeting the criteria that was in the link provided to you in the very first post.
if you can not meet said criteria then it can not be unlocked.
Once the conditions have been met, there is no way to unlock it. Trouble friends to help. Thanks
I have another mobile phone, can you call +1-505-998-3793 to cancel it? Thank you
I have another mobile phone, can you call +1-505-998-3793 to cancel it? Thank you
If you can't call T-Mobile. Reach out to them on Facebook or Twitter through DM to cancel whatever you are wanting to cancel.
T-Mobile will not be able to remove the SIM lock on your device, if it is even still possible to do so, because you are not a customer and do not meet the SIM Unlock Policy requirements.
No! The device is not linked to or in use on my account. Only you can request the SIM Unlock by being a T-Mobile USA customer and meeting all of the SIM Unlock Policy requirements.
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