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  • 30 September 2023
  • 1 reply


I'm trying out the new home internet. It works fine for my devices. But my LG tv disconnects everytime I turn it off. I had to get an ether net cord cause it also wouldn't connect any other way. I've called tmobile, they said its the TV. LG says it the internet. Anyone have any answers?

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Have you tried adding a second Wi-Fi network?

Some devices cannot see or connect to the gateway’s default network.  You want to leave this network alone and ADD a second network with the + sign at the bottom of the Network tab in the T-Mobile Internet app.  For this new network, set the band to 2.4 GHz and set the WPA version to WPA/WPA2.  Try connecting your TV to this second network.  Use the default network for your other devices, as much as possible.

Here are the T-Mobile support instructions for how to add the second network with the app.

Android  How to create additional Wi-Fi networks | T-Mobile Internet app | Android | T-Mobile Support

iOS  How to create additional Wi-Fi networks | T-Mobile Internet app | iOS | T-Mobile Support
