
Wfi Sucks

  • 5 February 2023
  • 17 replies

Userlevel 1

My home internet sucks!!! I wish I would’ve stayed with the cable company. It’s always kicking us in and out of internet connection. We have to unplug it multiple times a day. And if it’s raining or snowing it’s worst. When I call they always say they’re working on the tower but it’s been months if this. Not to mention I can’t connect my printer to the WiFi so my business is suffering behind this. Does anyone have any solutions to the sucky connection and how to connect to the printer? 

17 replies

Userlevel 2
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It is not clear to me if you have problems with T-Mobile internet or local Wifi.  If it is a Wifi issue, you can get a better Wifi router or a Wifi mesh system to improve your home wifi connectivity.  If your problem is weak 5G or LTE signals (slow speed, broken internet connection), you can add an external MIMO antenna to the T-Mobile gateway. There are youtube videos showing you how it can be done. (Hint: Waveform 4x4 MIMO antenna).

Userlevel 2
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Where are you located? We are North of San Diego; the towers around here have been getting worked on since the first of December! Odd, that’s the same time we signed up.  Every time I complain, even to the USA Techs in New Mexico they send me a message, all is well, everything works now. All lies, I get less than 1-2mbps all day long, maybe a whole 5mbps in the evenings. 

I was promised 188-250mbps when I fell for the salesman’s BS. Wish the customers that bought into this crap could force the head techs and CEO at T-Mobile to read these community posts all day. They never even check in here to see what’s really going on in their company. 



Generally it doesn’t matter about the location if you’re in a good area to get excellent signal you should receive internet, it’s congestion issue. TMobile sucks for support, because they can’t fix this issue without building more 5G Towers’ thus a congestion in the network everyone being on it is causing the problems.

Userlevel 1

It is not clear to me if you have problems with T-Mobile internet or local Wifi.  If it is a Wifi issue, you can get a better Wifi router or a Wifi mesh system to improve your home wifi connectivity.  If your problem is weak 5G or LTE signals (slow speed, broken internet connection), you can add an external MIMO antenna to the T-Mobile gateway. There are youtube videos showing you how it can be done. (Hint: Waveform 4x4 MIMO antenna).

I did mention it is my home internet service and I mentioned connecting the printer via the WiFi meaning the WiFi from the home internet service.

The issues are my devices loose WiFi connection to my home internet service all the time and I can not connect my printer to the home internet via the WiFi. I hope that made it clearer. 

Userlevel 1

Generally it doesn’t matter about the location if you’re in a good area to get excellent signal you should receive internet, it’s congestion issue. TMobile sucks for support, because they can’t fix this issue without building more 5G Towers’ thus a congestion in the network everyone being on it is causing the problems.

That makes sense. SMH they should’ve been totally transparent when marketing this but then again we wouldn’t have selected the service right 🤣

Userlevel 1

Where are you located? We are North of San Diego; the towers around here have been getting worked on since the first of December! Odd, that’s the same time we signed up.  Every time I complain, even to the USA Techs in New Mexico they send me a message, all is well, everything works now. All lies, I get less than 1-2mbps all day long, maybe a whole 5mbps in the evenings. 

I was promised 188-250mbps when I fell for the salesman’s BS. Wish the customers that bought into this crap could force the head techs and CEO at T-Mobile to read these community posts all day. They never even check in here to see what’s really going on in their company. 


I’m in Westchester NY so it’s mind blowing tj here you’re hearing the same thing way across the country. 

Userlevel 2
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It is not clear to me if you have problems with T-Mobile internet or local Wifi.  If it is a Wifi issue, you can get a better Wifi router or a Wifi mesh system to improve your home wifi connectivity.  If your problem is weak 5G or LTE signals (slow speed, broken internet connection), you can add an external MIMO antenna to the T-Mobile gateway. There are youtube videos showing you how it can be done. (Hint: Waveform 4x4 MIMO antenna).

I did mention it is my home internet service and I mentioned connecting the printer via the WiFi meaning the WiFi from the home internet service.

The issues are my devices loose WiFi connection to my home internet service all the time and I can not connect my printer to the home internet via the WiFi. I hope that made it clearer. 

If I am not mistaken, your pritner is only used within your local area network, not by anyone from outside of your home. In this case, it is a wifi issue.  Did you try to set up your wifi network to use WPA2/WPA instead of the default WPA3/WPA2? Older devices are not compatible with WPA3 and WPA2.  If your printer is a 2.4GHz only device, you may also want to separate 5GHz and 2.4GHz Wifi netoworks with different SSIDs. Hope that these two steps will help you to resolve your printer connectivity problem.

My home internet sucks!!! I wish I would’ve stayed with the cable company. It’s always kicking us in and out of internet connection. We have to unplug it multiple times a day. And if it’s raining or snowing it’s worst. When I call they always say they’re working on the tower but it’s been months if this. Not to mention I can’t connect my printer to the WiFi so my business is suffering behind this. Does anyone have any solutions to the sucky connection and how to connect to the printer? 

same here alpine southern california they keep saying its a modernization or tower work its fast and perfect for the early parts of the day then 6-9pm drops to .75mbps we are thinking of canceling and switching to verizon or back to ATT this keeps happening on weekends and nights at prime time when we want to watch shows and all we get are frozen pixels


Tmobile’s Home Internet does suck.  No question about it.  And the only solutions are to:

  1. Reboot endlessly.
  2. Wait endlessly for upgrades to their service.  (They sell the service before the service is available from their system.)
  3. Wait for what are evidently very unreliable towers to be repaired.  (Tmobile must have thousands upon thousands of technicians because the all towers are always being worked on.  At least that’s the excuse given.)
  4. Use your phone as a hotspot.  It seems to work more often than not.

Amazon sells a device that will automatically reboot your router every so often.  We installed a simple Walmart timer on the power plug to reboot it every night while we sleep.  Not perfect, but relieves us of the task.  Perhaps Tmobile should start branding plugin timers of their own and selling as an upcharge.


Bottom line….Tmobile Home Internet sucks.  The support, while friendly and overly polite, sucks as far as effectiveness.  

Userlevel 3
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Hi @magenta9717501

Bottom line….Tmobile Home Internet sucks.

Let’s  be fair.  Not always.  I switched from Consolidated Communications DSL to TMO HI at the end of December.  So far I have not had any issues. My download speeds average 50 Mbps (vs max of 25 Mbps with C.C.I. DSL) and my upload speeds avearge 15 Mbps (vs max of 2 Mbps with C.C.I. DSL).  And the TMO HI bill is a bit cheaper too ($50.00 vs $61.50).  


I certainly understand the frustration of subscribers whose service has proven inadequate, but I just want to point out that there are cases where TMO HI is working adequately.


Give it time.

My first 3 months were great.  Even convinced 2 others to switch.  Then reality hit…

…Speeds dropped for long periods.

…Data transmission stopped altogether sporadically.  When it transmitted it was fast.  But it was as if someone turned a switch off from time to time.

It has been a crapshoot ever since.

Believe me, I wanted Tmobile to be what it promised to be.  But it is not.  I even had one of there representatives once tell me that if I wanted reliability, I should consider a wired connection!  That is a true experience.  I was so shocked that I asked her if that statement was part of Tmobile’s script.



Userlevel 3
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Thanks for the feedback, @magenta9717501  I hope that when, and if, my TMO Hi degrades, I’ll be able to find an alternative provider.  Now that I’ve tried it, I would like to stick to an FWI  provider.  I’ve been keeping an eye on VZ HI, but their website says it’s not yet available at my address.  Would you know how VZ HI compares to TMO HI?  Thanks!

Also in North County San Diego. Also poor quality internet throughout the day.

Was great for 2 months but now Austin TX has been out for 5 days.

Customer service is useless…unplug and reboot and working on towers does nothing to help. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Was great for 2 months but now Austin TX has been out for 5 days.

Would anyone know if TMO gives a credit to one’s account when outages such as this occur for multiple days?  Thanks!

I’m on a two week trial. Won’t need it. It’s going back tomorrow. My 5g at home DESTROYS it in speed. 


My home internet sucks!!! I wish I would’ve stayed with the cable company. It’s always kicking us in and out of internet connection. We have to unplug it multiple times a day. And if it’s raining or snowing it’s worst. When I call they always say they’re working on the tower but it’s been months if this. Not to mention I can’t connect my printer to the WiFi so my business is suffering behind this. Does anyone have any solutions to the sucky connection and how to connect to the printer? 

I think the solution is to switch to Verizon. you may be missing out on deals for your business. I know that I have, you lose connection, have to reset and then admit that you have TMobile, then you lose momentum / rapport w/ your client. 
