sidekick 5g ๐Ÿ’—

I would really Love T-Mobile to bring out a new Sidekick 5g for all of there sidekick fans!

24 replies

I would really Love T-Mobile to bring out a new Sidekick 5g for all of there sidekick fans!

OMG bring back the sidekick pleaseeeeeeee

Userlevel 7
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Tmobile please bring back the sidekick you would take over the phone game. All these phones are boring now

Absolutely!ย  Especially with the revival of physical keyboards being in high demand for devices.

Tmobile please bring back the sidekick you would take over the phone game. All these phones are boring now

Userlevel 7
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blasting away with posts in here will not get TMO to bring in this phone..



it WILL however mark you as a spammer which will eventually get you booted..include something in your posts.

T- mobile without the Sidekick is sad







New sidekick would be nice







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I donโ€™t think I could use something like the Wing.ย  The Pre has the same style of keys that I didnโ€™t like about the Blackberry.ย  The keys are stacked and not offset.ย  On the Sidekicks, they were basically a mini version of a PC keyboard, that make them very easy for me to mash out texts without a glance.ย  I have a cousin that swore by BBM until switching to an iPhone after RIM shutdown.ย  One of the main issues I have with services like BBM, iMessage, and RCS is that they are dependent on data where SMS is not.ย  There are a lot of things that were ahead of their time in the cellphone world that hopefully will return some day.ย  For me, tiโ€™s the physical keyboard that was just unbeatable.ย  I wasnโ€™t fast enough to win a texting contest but I remember T-Mobile used to put this annoying popup about sending more than 500 texts a day for a while, which was to surpass for me in half a day with a Sidekick.ย ย 

Userlevel 6
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HERE is the wing.ย  Itโ€™s the most Obnoxious phone I have ever played with lol

Palm Pre is the closest keyboard I have ever used outside the sidekick.ย  I am not a very big guy and I love smaller phones over the larger devices.ย ย 


BB phones I am not a fan either however BB Messenger was ahead of itโ€™s time.ย  Itโ€™s sad to see things no one tried to expand.ย  They could have been the major iMessages competitor before iMessages gained popularity.ย  Yet they went stagnant.

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Yeah.ย  The non-US name for the Sidekickโ€™s was, HipTop, which was the name they were sold under in Europe, Canada, Australia, and other countries.ย  The Slide Screen was used on the Samsung Sidekick 4Gย but I think that patent is actually owned by another company unless Samsung acquired that.ย  Looking up patents is so tedious.ย  All of the Sidekickโ€™s I had before thatย were made by Sharp but there were other variants that were made by different manufacturers.ย  I never found another device with a keyboard like the keyboards used on the Sharp devices.ย  I could walk and text without even needing to look at the device.ย ย 

I never used an LG Wing.ย  I think I tried a Palm device once but it kept dialing my friend in Australia at strange hours of the night when it was charging.ย  I hated the Blackberry keyboards!ย ย 


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As far as I understood the acquisition of Danger.ย  T-Mobile owns the Sidekick branding but Danger, now Microsoft owns the OS and backend side of how the Sidekicks worked.ย  Microsoft also owns the swivel screen patent where the slide screen patent was owned by another company.ย  Obviously phones have changed so much since then.ย  The Sidekick as a brand though, was and still is iconic.ย  Do we really have an ultimate texting device in today's market?

Correct T-Mobile only owns the branding.ย  MS could make a Sidekick and not call it a sidekick, but weโ€™d know it is a sidekick lol.ย  I believe slide screen patent is also now owned by MS.ย ย 


Honestly the closest I have ever felt to a sidekick in form of a texting device was PalmOS.ย  LG uses it on their TVs and some other stuff, but Iโ€™d love to have a phone.ย  I honestly think the WING would have been fun with PalmOS and a keyboard instead of numpad.ย ย 

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As far as I understood the acquisition of Danger.ย  T-Mobile owns the Sidekick branding but Danger, now Microsoft owns the OS and backend side of how the Sidekicks worked.ย  Microsoft also owns the swivel screen patent where the slide screen patent was owned by another company.ย  Obviously phones have changed so much since then.ย  The Sidekick as a brand though, was and still is iconic.ย  Do we really have an ultimate texting device in today's market?

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I agree that it wasnโ€™t the same,ย @tidbits.ย  I do think it would be possible to recreate the Sidekick home screen and interface with a launcher though or go a little further with a more customized version of Android.ย  I still have my Sidekick 4G, LX Carbom, and LX Blue.ย ย 

Theyโ€™d need MS to be on board with it since it is proprietary to them.ย  If they made it look similar itโ€™s a lawsuit potentially to happen.ย  I honestly wished MS didnโ€™t buy them.ย  As soon as I saw the news the sidekicks were dead.ย  the Android version was just a weak attempt due to MS owning everything.

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I agree that it wasnโ€™t the same, @tidbits.ย  I do think it would be possible to recreate the Sidekick home screen and interface with a launcher though or go a little further with a more customized version of Android.ย  I still have my Sidekick 4G, LX Carbom, and LX Blue.ย ย 

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The sidekick will not be the same as it was.ย  Dangers servers were sold to MS and sunset happened to those servers.ย ย 

The Sidekick 4G was Android based with no backend.ย  Personally, I would love a Sidekick 5G.ย ย 

It wasnโ€™t the same and did so poorly than the actual sidekicks.ย  It was a sidekick in name only.

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The sidekick will not be the same as it was.ย  Dangers servers were sold to MS and sunset happened to those servers.ย ย 

The Sidekick 4G was Android based with no backend.ย  Personally, I would love a Sidekick 5G.ย ย 

Userlevel 6
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The sidekick will not be the same as it was.ย  Dangers servers were sold to MS and sunset happened to those servers.ย ย 

T- mobile should make a sidekick that has a 4k high resolution screen ๐Ÿ’“


T- mobile without the BELOVED SIDEKICK is SAD Love wins!


I would really LOVE T-MOBILE to bring out a new SIDEKICK๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“ 5G๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“ ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“for all of there SIDEKICK๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“ fans!


T- mobile without the Sidekick is nothing!!!!!!!!!! Love wins!
