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Virtual Prepaid Car promo denied twice...

  • 19 January 2024
  • 1 reply

What does the denial reason even mean? This is horible on Tmobiles part. If you put a


-Here’s why


How about also, adding a


-here's how to fix



Reward Tracker

Your submission has been denied. Here's why:

  • Ineligible activation source


1 reply

I have exactly the same problem.  In Oct 2023 I signed up and was supposed to get a Virtual Prepaid Card.  After not hearing anything, and receiving no card I figured out how to check.


* INELIGIBLE Activation Source

What does that even mean?  If it was an ineligible activation why was I promised the card?  This is not a good look and it appears I am not alone.  T-Mobile Scam?

