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Why did I receive an email that "msisdn has been changed"?

  • 17 September 2023
  • 3 replies

I received the following email:

Subject:  Your T-Mobile Account has been updated

T-Mobile Notification: Subscriber Modified

Dear Customer,

Subscriber has been modified for device # . The msisdn has been changed from # to # xxxxxxxx .


T-Mobile Customer Service


where xxxxxxxxxx is a phone number. I recognized the phone number as being for a SIM that I had used in an Android tablet. When I stopped using the tablet over 5 years ago, I also discontinued the phone line and removed it from my T-Mobile account. I just looked at my T-Mobile account now and it doesn’t show this number. Why did I receive this email and what does it mean?

Was this from an email or was it in your MyTmobile account. Any changes to your account will show there.

It was an email. I logged in to look at my T-Mobile account, and I also checked the T-Mobile app on my phone. I don’t see anything that has changed in my account.

I want to know what the email meant by “Subscriber has been modified” and “msisdn has been changed”.

You got me but if you didn't get a notice in your MyTmobile account I’d ignore it or you can call customer support to make sure.
