
30 plus years,but no more

  • 24 May 2024
  • 1 reply


Been a loyal customer since they were Airtouch,30 plus years,this is the last much corporate double talk, breach of contract, wife's an attorney for Atlanta's largest firm, can you say class action...... I'm done 

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

Price lock?


I am going to get flamed for this…

The agreement has a out for them always had.  It's called you can go somewhere else if you are tied to device.  You can just pay off the device over time and they’ll also unlock that device for you to use at your new carrier.

There isn’t any penalty.  It’s been pointed out multiple times when they made that “promise”  It’s in the terms of service.  Articles have pointed this out.

There is NOTHING a class action can do.  You can try and force them to that price, but yah… never mind there’s actually various precedence about this…  
