
Google blocking search

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Userlevel 1

I wonder if this is national or just focused more in one part of the country.  I’m located in the NorthWest panhandle of FL (new Pensacola).  I see a New Orleans, an Ohio, and a Shreveport LA.   

Userlevel 1

Hey everybody! We really want to find out why exactly this error is occurring and appreciate everyone that is speaking up about it. Filing tickets with our care team is a great way to draw attention to what exactly is going on, but I am also sending your feedback to our T-Mobile Internet team to have it reviewed. 

To pin down exactly what is happening, the information that is extremely helpful is you IP address, time, and city/state when you get the error. Some may not be totally comfortable with sharing that information on the public thread, but if you send me a DM with those details, I can pass it along. 


Shreveport Louisiana here. 


Userlevel 1

Getting the same issue here.  Started about a day ago on all my computers/phones and regardless of browser.  I've restarted everything a number of times, cleared the history and cache’s of all the internet access computers/phones and still no help.  This is kind of frustrating and a bit scary too.

Userlevel 1

sent via DM

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hey everybody! We really want to find out why exactly this error is occurring and appreciate everyone that is speaking up about it. Filing tickets with our care team is a great way to draw attention to what exactly is going on, but I am also sending your feedback to our T-Mobile Internet team to have it reviewed. 

To pin down exactly what is happening, the information that is extremely helpful is you IP address, time, and city/state when you get the error. Some may not be totally comfortable with sharing that information on the public thread, but if you send me a DM with those details, I can pass it along. 


Happening to me in Florida as well. Only happens when at home and on my T-Mobile WiFi. Has anyone gotten an answer about this? I talked to a tech and he didn't even know this was happening.

Hello from New Orleans.  Ditto to everything said above.  This is happening with all my devices which are connected to the T-Mobile Home Internet.  Please find a fix soon!



I worked with chat support a little bit and they had me restart my router, we were able to get to via Edge from a Windows machine but started getting the error from a phone again shortly after that.  I didn’t have the time to stay on with them and keep trying stuff.  I sent them a link to this thread for reference.


I did confirm that we had a different IP address after the restart.

Hey there. That is a really weird error to be getting on a search. If I am understanding correctly, this error pops up right after typing a search before any search results come up. I would love to get some more information about the situation, so I can pass along the message for the really techy people to dig in and find out why. If you are comfortable sharing, I would love to know what you searched for, what time with time zone, and a screenshot of the error. If there is a hiccup with a set of our IP addresses and Google, then we want to tackle that asap. Thanks for sharing so we can figure it out!

I’m getting the same error and I was searching “manatee.” Very benign. LOL Here is a screenshot.


Same Issue in Northwest Ohio.

Userlevel 1

Happening here too, NOLA IP address. Rebooted, got a new IP and issue still exists. 

This started at my home last night about 5pm Eastern TIme. On my laptop and my phone. I can click the box and move on but I would prefer to get it fixed. I did take a screen shot of the full message if IP and such is needed. 

This network is blocked due to unaddressed abuse complaints about malicious behavior. This page checks to see if it's really a human sending the requests and not a robot coming from this network. 

Userlevel 1

This has been happening on all of our devices all day. A reboot of the modem did not solve the issue.

Just started happening to me as well, also using TMHI. 

This is happening to our household as well starting tonight. Only on the T Mobile home network.

Userlevel 1

Hey there. That is a really weird error to be getting on a search. If I am understanding correctly, this error pops up right after typing a search before any search results come up. I would love to get some more information about the situation, so I can pass along the message for the really techy people to dig in and find out why. If you are comfortable sharing, I would love to know what you searched for, what time with time zone, and a screenshot of the error. If there is a hiccup with a set of our IP addresses and Google, then we want to tackle that asap. Thanks for sharing so we can figure it out!

It is happening to me as well since last night. It pop ups as soon as you try to access Google, you don’t even need to do a search, just going to Google toggles the message and requires you to pass a captcha. After you pass the captcha, it’ll load Google just fine and not show up for a couple hours, maybe less at times, and then it’ll show up again randomly. Unfortunately, it is not happening right now on my end, but I’ll keep an eye out to screenshot it whenever it happens again. 

The page displays a message, a captcha box, and my IP address. I did find this random screenshot online, which is exactly the same thing I’m seeing on my end. 

Edit: it is happening on my Android phone, my girlfriend’s iPhone, and my laptop as well. 

This is great information @Guijcm Thank you!! Is this while you are connected to your T-Mobile Home Internet, or does this happen while you are out and about too?

Just had it happen right now again. Just trying to access Google. I have no issues while using my phone on mobile data (I’m on T-Mobile too). This is happening exclusively on my T-Mobile Home Internet. 

I have also noticed that it happens regardless of browser (I’ve tried on Safari and Chrome, same issue). It is also happening wether I have a regular browser session, or an incognito tab.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hey there. That is a really weird error to be getting on a search. If I am understanding correctly, this error pops up right after typing a search before any search results come up. I would love to get some more information about the situation, so I can pass along the message for the really techy people to dig in and find out why. If you are comfortable sharing, I would love to know what you searched for, what time with time zone, and a screenshot of the error. If there is a hiccup with a set of our IP addresses and Google, then we want to tackle that asap. Thanks for sharing so we can figure it out!

It is happening to me as well since last night. It pop ups as soon as you try to access Google, you don’t even need to do a search, just going to Google toggles the message and requires you to pass a captcha. After you pass the captcha, it’ll load Google just fine and not show up for a couple hours, maybe less at times, and then it’ll show up again randomly. Unfortunately, it is not happening right now on my end, but I’ll keep an eye out to screenshot it whenever it happens again. 

The page displays a message, a captcha box, and my IP address. I did find this random screenshot online, which is exactly the same thing I’m seeing on my end. 

Edit: it is happening on my Android phone, my girlfriend’s iPhone, and my laptop as well. 

This is great information @Guijcm Thank you!! Is this while you are connected to your T-Mobile Home Internet, or does this happen while you are out and about too?

Userlevel 1

Hey there. That is a really weird error to be getting on a search. If I am understanding correctly, this error pops up right after typing a search before any search results come up. I would love to get some more information about the situation, so I can pass along the message for the really techy people to dig in and find out why. If you are comfortable sharing, I would love to know what you searched for, what time with time zone, and a screenshot of the error. If there is a hiccup with a set of our IP addresses and Google, then we want to tackle that asap. Thanks for sharing so we can figure it out!

It is happening to me as well since last night. It pop ups as soon as you try to access Google, you don’t even need to do a search, just going to Google toggles the message and requires you to pass a captcha. After you pass the captcha, it’ll load Google just fine and not show up for a couple hours, maybe less at times, and then it’ll show up again randomly. Unfortunately, it is not happening right now on my end, but I’ll keep an eye out to screenshot it whenever it happens again. 

The page displays a message, a captcha box, and my IP address. I did find this random screenshot online, which is exactly the same thing I’m seeing on my end. 

Edit: it is happening on my Android phone, my girlfriend’s iPhone, and my laptop as well. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hey there. That is a really weird error to be getting on a search. If I am understanding correctly, this error pops up right after typing a search before any search results come up. I would love to get some more information about the situation, so I can pass along the message for the really techy people to dig in and find out why. If you are comfortable sharing, I would love to know what you searched for, what time with time zone, and a screenshot of the error. If there is a hiccup with a set of our IP addresses and Google, then we want to tackle that asap. Thanks for sharing so we can figure it out!

Userlevel 1

Same exact issue happening here. Started happening last night. Had never happened before. Rebooting my gateway did not fix it. 

Userlevel 3

It happened again and is associated with the same IP Address. I will try to reboot my gateway. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Im getting the same issue this morning. Google search blocked.  Bing search is fine

You can always try restarting the T-Mobile gateway and hope it chooses a different IP when it reconnects.

Im getting the same issue this morning. Google search blocked.  Bing search is fine

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

It’s possible that it is associated with the IP address.  T-Mobile Home Internet and cellular devices will change IP’s as needed to balance traffic across the network.  

Userlevel 3

This is the first time Google has ever posted this message when I used search. It mentioned the IP address, which I forgot to copy. Maybe it’s associated with that address.
