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spam txt message

  • 26 August 2023
  • 1 reply

I received below txt message 6:44 PM Friday, August 25

Heads up:

Messages to

your T-Mobile

paperless billing

email address are


Bill notices will

be sent by text

until resolved.

Update info at

I clicked on above link and was taken to a page saying not a secure site.  I call 8 times to t-Mobile and on hold each time.  No reply. 

why is above .co and not .com?

Why is it so difficult or take so long to speak to T-Mobile?????????????????

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

@mobiling sorry for your frustration.

The answer to your URL question .co vs .com is sorted out by DNS and address translation; it is not unfamiliar.

T-Mobile has a ton of customers, so the customer service department will always be busy too. 

If you have a local store you can drive to , that may be best. Otherwise, you can do like I do and dial the customer service number, put it on speaker, and read an article or do some online research, waiting for them to answer (time goes by quicker…).

