
+8009374604? Chinese service from T-Mobile?

  • 26 October 2022
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I got a phone call this afternoon which is a Chinese man saying that he’s from T-Mobile in Chinese service. Does T-Mobile have a phone service for Chinese in real person specking? I think, the phone number is +8009374604.

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Nope it's most likely a scam.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

The 800 country code is set up for International Freephone service but I have never heard of it actually working. It sounds like some sort of scam to me. I’d be wary.

I got a phone call this morning +800 6865730

a Chinese man claim he is from T mobile and speaking in Mandarin said somebody used my ID and email applied a T mobile phone number . 

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Sounds like a phishing attempt to me.  I would delete and ignore.

I got similar phone call today. A man speaking Mandarin Chinese claiming he is a T-Mobile employee with an employee ID. He told me that someone used my identity to open a T-Mobile account in Chengdu China. I need to report the scam to the Chinese enforcement authorities. He needs my name. passport number, SSN….. beware and be careful everyone. 

I received one today from 1-800-905-8323.  

I got multiple calls today. The people on the phone only speak Chinese. They claimed they are AT&T Chinese customer service. They said that someone use my identity to register a phone number at the AT&T counter at the Fujian Quanzhou Jinjiang International Airport in China (I asked them to spell the name for me) on March 12th 2023 at 3:18pm Beijing time. Now, I have no business with AT&T for many year, and I haven’t travel to China this year. They know my surname and my email address. They gave me a case number, and the “worker”’s name and employee ID. And then they transferred my call to “the Chinese police”. At this point, they hadn’t ask me any personal information, so I still have a tiny hope that this was not a scam, until I search their number in the internet. So I tried to talk to the “police” with my very limited Mandarin, and the “police” on the phone does not seems to understand what was going on, and I was very frustrated after 30min conversation with the scammers, so I hanging up the phone. The scammers was not giving up and called me 26 times in 17min. These are the numbers they used:

  • 888-608-0129
  • 800-331-0567
  • 888-608-4863
  • 888-608-2420
  • 800-937-3758
  • 8621 2308 0888
  • 8621 5500 4857

I hope Tmobile/AT&T can do something about it. At least put case in there website to warn people.

Yes 1 year with these people and it has ruined my life no exaggerating either. From missed zoom legal matters and fighting for civil rights this individuals added onto the adversity in providing the vulnerability to company's to gain access to my life , privacys information and forget taking accountability for visible service and lies both in person and on the phone and the refusal to my own information.  This company needs a major law suit and depending on the individual not no class action no everyone gets a percent of how badly they cause mental anguish and ones sanity of all their deception and creating havoc 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

I have never received a call from T-Mobile offering me service, a promotion, or a deal.  I would say this is a scam, just based on the number alone.  You can find current promotions at: T-Mobile Promotions and promotions available for you in your account.  T-Mobile doesn’t call non-T-Mobile customers to offer service and inform customers they offer services, regardless of the language they speak or ethnicity.  
