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Can't download bill anymore!


Disgruntled customer here...

Since the website redesign I can no longer download my bill.  When I click the (erroneously labeled) download button, it opens a new tab with some stupid "streaming bill" garbage and I have no way to Save the freaking PDF file.  WTF is up with this??

To add insult to injury here, every time I click the 'contact us' or support buttons it throws me to the company dashboard page.

Completely useless...  So, now I'm here.  Maybe someone can fix?


Hey there!  I'm sorry the website is giving you such a headache! Do you mind if I ask what browser you're using? Are you on a computer or on your phone?

Hello magentatechie,

I tried via Safari 12 and Firefox 67.   The bill is viewable, but it seems there is no way to download what is obviously a PDF.  Even the browser 'Open in PDF reader' functionality is broken by the site changes.


FYI... I should indicate that I have found a workaround this morning when I was messing around with my browsers, but it is very inconvenient.  If I disable my external PDF reader from supporting Firefox by disabling the FF add-on, I then can use the FF internal PDF rendering viewer and the Save button works there.  I am on a Mac.

The Contact Us functionality is however is still not working on either browser for business customers.

If you visit the Contact Us page Community-2153 and use either the "Message Us" or "Visit My T-Mobile"

BTW... I do want to apologize for being terse in my original post.  It was a long day, but I don't want to take my frustration out on others.


No worries, my friend- I'm up to my elbows in tech every day and I still find the need to tear my hair out on occasion!

I checked known issues with the billing system and there appears to be a bug going on right now that's preventing Usage details from populating, but this shouldn't interfere with the ability to download the bill. 

And please forgive me, I'm an old fashioned regular customer, and I'm not familiar with differences between the sites for business customers.  When you go to your billing screen, do you have the big "Download PDF" button? And if so, does pressing it bring up the Summary or Detailed option? (see below)

Hello magentatechie,

The loss of hair comes with the territory... lol.  I'm in DevOps and a software developer myself.

The button is there and I can view the bill with the detail... The problem is saving the PDF file.

Before under my.t-mobile it would just download a PDF file.

I need the PDF so that I can send it to our accounting department...  When I try to use the browser print function, the edges of the bill get chopped off likely because the bill is larger than my printer's margins.

Thanks. -Peter.

I gotcha- so in the browser that populates your bill, what is the path?  Did it download a PDF to your hard drive and would you be able to access that folder and force your PDF viewer (instead of a browser) to open it?

Hello magentatechie,

That is the trouble... It doesn't download a file at all.  It is loading the PDF inside an iframe on the webpage and is using some URL obfuscation technique for loading the PDF.  When I ask the PDF viewer to save the file, it isn't able to save a file.

Thanks!  -Peter.

Thank you for all of the information! Sadly, this is where I really do need to recommend that you reach out to care.  They will be able to log in to your account on your behalf and see if the problem replicates itself when they try to load the bill.  They will also be able to submit a ticket to engineering and send out a copy of the paper bill if you'd like.  I'm really sorry that I couldn't be more help but I do wish you luck!

Good morning magentatechie,

Thank you for trying to help... It is appreciated.


For sure! The first thing I should be able to do is print my bill or save the pdf. I shouldn’t have to figure this out.  It should be right there!

Yes, I too, cannot download the bill anymore and just had to switch back to a paper bill so I can take a picture of it to send in for my expense report like in ancient times. I am looking to switching to a either Verizon or some mvno which can handle something this simple. 

I've used the app and three different browsers, still can't download my bill. Tmobile in my opinion has been the worst as far as service and customer service.  When I originally joined i was told they would pay off my last phone bill as a promotion  for switching,  that never happened. Then they didn't cover my phone when it became damaged even though i had insurance. Now my personal information is all over the web because they got hacked and you can't even do something as simple as downloading a bill. I'm done, going to at&t this week 

T-mobile team - i am facing a similar issue for the last week or so. i am unable to download the bill.

Can you please help? I have tried on multiple browsers - Safari, Edge, Crome but to no avail.


Error message:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.



<Message>Access Denied</Message>




I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is a persistent issue that has not been fixed? For years now when I go to access my bill online it won’t pull up. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM??  All customer bills should be available seems fraudulent that they aren’t. I’m often given messages too check back in 12 hours or call.

Unable to enter commercial version download bill

Unable to open bill because it is what it states about my bill. Well, I'm sure it's corrupted too. Lol

I can't save my bill pdf. Why?

The problem is still there. I’m getting box pop up asking for my user name and password. I put in my user name and password for T-Mo and it comes up with an error message. I know it’s from T-Mo’s end because I don’t have this problem with annnnny other website when I download my bill.


Disgruntled customer here...


Since the website redesign I can no longer download my bill.  When I click the (erroneously labeled) download button, it opens a new tab with some stupid "streaming bill" garbage and I have no way to Save the freaking PDF file.  WTF is up with this??


To add insult to injury here, every time I click the 'contact us' or support buttons it throws me to the company dashboard page.


Completely useless...  So, now I'm here.  Maybe someone can fix?



Meant to put that in towards T-Mobile on Saturday. Responded to you lol. Either way, we'll both angry 🤣🍻

Hey there!  I'm sorry the website is giving you such a headache! Do you mind if I ask what browser you're using? Are you on a computer or on your phone?

It's downloads with Adobe

Yes same problem can't download any files from tmobile app. Also had same problem with promotion they won't honor the 800 off my husband's iPhone they say they never received his trade in but I handed it to the manager of the store and got a receipt. They are telling me to go back to store which is permanently closed now so how can I do thank.  Last called they promised to honor and that they found the trade in but I still see no promo on his phone. They are liars and cheats. Go with another company,!

I’m dealing with the same issues and the Philipine CALL center is horrific!! They had down so much corruption and fraud on my account it's been reported to the State of California, CAPUC, Bureau of Consumer Affairs. They get mad when I discuss their rude and racist behavior ( when asked not to address me as Ma’am due to slavery and not professional at all), the reps had failed to give my bill, shut off my service out of vindictiveness, and also change my Tmobile Biz account plan without my permission, I have screenshots and records of them doing this. I get denied an American and they continued to falsify my account. ITs been years so i had accessed my bill and to this day, I have NO access to see what my bill is or why and they don’t help at all. They play loud music in the background, parties, and hang up on you to go enjoy their coworkers parties! They told me that they can do what they want and no obligated to respect us as they are out of country and their managers are outsourced so they dont have to listen to customers or anyone at Tmobile, they can shut off my phone and change my billing and plans as they plan and they dont get fired because they are all related working together and no one will care about us.

you can either go into a store to see if they can print it out on their end and or look into it..or contact TMO through either Facebook or Twitter. the later starts you off with tier 2 support instead of the call in tier 1 support.

My Sprint account was finally converted to T-Mobile. I have the same question. I could easily view and download a PDF of my monthly bill since I did not receive a paper copy. Now that I am in the T-Mobile infrastructure I have no access to viewing my bill. I just get a spinning wheel. This is on computer and on the mobile app. This is really frustrating for someone who needs a copy for expenses. Does anyone have a solution to actually being able to view your monthly bill? Seems like the one things that should be functional on the website.





Disgruntled customer here...


Since the website redesign I can no longer download my bill.  When I click the (erroneously labeled) download button, it opens a new tab with some stupid "streaming bill" garbage and I have no way to Save the freaking PDF file.  WTF is up with this??


To add insult to injury here, every time I click the 'contact us' or support buttons it throws me to the company dashboard page.


Completely useless...  So, now I'm here.  Maybe someone can fix?



Still can't download bill. NEVER been able to download my bill, and requested back on July 24, 2023.

