
Charge me twice for the same bill

  • 6 August 2018
  • 14 replies

I have been a T-Mobile customer on July 10th and I switch my phone number from AT&T to T-Mobile on that day. After a few days, I have received a mail from T-Mobile about current charges. I mail a check to T-Mobile, but after a week, T-Mobile charged me again on automatic payment. Now, I looked up my bank transaction history, it shows that on July 23th, I have been charged twice for my bill $12.30. I have called Customer Service and asking for refunds, but they said that the system didn't show any information about the bill so they can't help me for refunding and suggested me go back to the T-Mobile store for help. I did go back to the T-Mobile store, but the staff said that they are unable to refund the bill and suggested me called back the Customer Service again. I gave a call to Customer Service. finally, I still got the same response as the first time I have called, Their system shows that there is nothing about this bill. I am so disappointed and it wasted me a lot of time. It makes me feel like so dark. The company charge my money twice and then said no information/payment about this bill?


Best answer by tmo_chris 8 August 2018, 17:00

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14 replies

My account has been hacked

I am 100% sure that there is nobody hacked my account. Can someone help me? What should I do so I can get the refunds?

Userlevel 4

Sorry to hear that you were charged twice! It sounds like your auto payment went through before your check arrived to us. We can take a look at your payment history and issue a refund if there was a double charge. If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, please use the links in my signature to message our T-Force team since they will be able to securely access your account and do a thorough investigation.

Hello Team,

This is to inform you that I received a confirmation mail for a refill for Mobile phone number xxxxxxxxxx on 10 Sept 2018 on my mail. However, I got charged and I did not receive any refill message on the number and the account did not get refilled. I had to make another refill today for the same. Please find attached receipt confirmation for the same. So technically, I have been charged twice. Kindly help resolve this issue. We are an old T mobile customer and are highly disappointed with such technical issues. Thank you.

Userlevel 4

Hey @magenta2030655 

I am not familiar with Do you have some sort of auto pay set up with them? If so, do you also have auto refill set up with us? If you look at your bank, do you see two $40 carges?


I’m literally in tears writing to you. I’ve been so frustrated with your company staff. I’ve been a loyal customer for years, and this is how you treat me? 

On October 2020, I exchanged my phone with your store is Forestville, Maryland. I exchange a Iphone XR for a Iphone 11 pro max. I received notification from T-mobile warehouse confirming that you received the phone. Unknowingly, I’ve been charged for both phones since. I recently found out, because I received a text notification stating that my lease is going to be up. When I signed on to the account I saw like my bill is $423!!! I immediately notified customer service. I was told several time & several calls the same response, “we will notify out investigation department, and after the investigation department will notify management, and we will reimburse you the money, I’m so sorry and blah” I am just sick to my stomach. I’m in serious financial hardship because I was laid-off after being hospitalized for Covid. How can you treat your customers like this. I’ve literally begged the staff to help me and they all say the same thing. One thing I can say for sure you do train your employees to memorize your scripts well. Unfortunately, words don’t mean a thing when you take no action. 





I have had a similar issue with my bill.  I signed a contract with T Mobile back in Sept/Oct 2020 for $109/month and was charged two times each of the three months that I had the service.  I canceled my plan in Nov 2020 and switched to prepaid. I was told that I would be billed for the remaining balance that was between $400-$600 which I tried to dispute. I was recently contacted that I now owe $1300.00!!!   I tried to get it resolved but was disconnected and the person that I talked to could not explain to me why I owed so much.  I paid the three bills that I owed but did not pay the double bills when I canceled.  I’ve read so many complaints of this happening to other customers and no one seems to be able to explain why this happens not even the manager that I spoke to.  So far prepaid has not given me any problems but I would absolutely NOT recommend T Mobile to anyone.  Large corporations will only take advantage of their customers when they don’t stand up to them.  This company needs to be investigated!


I’m extremely frustrated as well.  I’m reaching out to others to convince them to have T Mobile investigated.  You can contact your local news or national news. If more people report this issue we could likely get it resolved.  You are welcome to choose your own news agency but here are a couple to get started.

I have always set my auto payment so for sure I’ll never missed my bill. But sometime in august or September 2021 the auto already charged my bill. And then I got charged again with late fee. So I talk to the representative they told me the transaction didn’t went through and the fund went back to my bank. But when I check my bank I didn’t see the fund got sent back. So I paid for my bills twice for same month 

Buyer BEWARE T-Mobil is still doing this. They take a automactic payment. And then three months later call and threaten to cut off service if you do not pay another three months. Total scam. And they do nothing to help you. They will refuse to even look at my account that shows I have paid each month or my credit card statement that show I paid. They now owe me about $500.00, I asked to set up a appointment with a MGR at a local store, they told me to do it. I tried but they refuse to even return a call back. Later I am going to all the Tmobile stores and Post their names of the one’s that refuse to help. I am also making logs of my calls and communicating with my Credit card company who says it is fraud. They are ripping a whole lot of people off. BEWARE!

They are double charging a lot of people, I have the records that I paid with auto enrollment. They took the money and contacted my Credit card CO. They verified with statement that I paid. And then in three months time, T mobile will threaten to cut me off unless I pay more money. I just paid another $121.00 even though I paid my nothing bill. Before they wanted  the same. I can do nothing. I tried to set up a appoint with customer service at one of the locations and they refuse to call back.

This is extortion. I have alerted my Credit Card company of Fraud. What they are doing is totally illegal. I am documenting every thing. Beware they will do this to me and have done it to many others.I have spent hours trying to just get them to look at my receipts and they REFUSE. They tell me they do not care, pay them the extra money are they will get a judgement and suspend my service. One I give them the extorted money, They refuse to give a receipt or acknowledge that I paid. Yes my bank has a record.

I have been with T-Mobile since 2006 and have been experiencing issues with billing in the last 4 months. I know my $139 bill was past due but even if they added another $139 for a past due bill that is nowhere near the amount they keep billing me that I keep paying. Example: I made $354.33 worth of payments between 1/22 and 2/9, $239.21 between 1/5 and 1/15, and another $200 between 11/30 & 12/14. I cannot for the life of my understand how they can claim I am 2 months behind trying to charge me 2 ½ more bills now. I paid $791 over the past 3 months. I should not be behind or if I am, maybe a partial amount for 1 bill. When I made my last payment 2 weeks ago, my balance was $99.21 so how are they charging me $210 past due and $349 with new bill. T-Mobile is becoming a show and I am about to report them to the BBB. 
