dont fall for the "free line"

  • 21 December 2023
  • 4 replies


I got called by a tmobile store and said I was eligible for a 100% free line. I called customer support and the rep agreed and suggested to me that yes it was 100% true and free for being a loyal tmobile customer! So I agreed and accepted with my local store that called me and got the sim , and shortly after ported my number over. Then month later I get new bill and I am being charged for it. So I called customer support, they told me I missed the "promotion " period and they won't honor my free line anymore. So, unfortunately I canceled the line and lost my number.  I just feel taken advantage of and lied to and my time wasted! And I'm currently looking for a different carrier for my business. 

4 replies

same experience.  I ported my 9$ a month landline to T-Mobile because it was free. Then the bill shows up. I call the customer service they say it will take a billing cycle or two for the line to become free and they give credit. Then I am charged again the second month so again call to customer service they give me credit.  3rd month charge again this time customer service says the promotion was over when you got the 3rd line so go to the store.  Store says they are wrong your third line should be free and give me store credit and they said it should be free on the next billing cycle.  I ask store manager to add the not of 3rd line to be free as memo on my account and I take picture of it.  4th month billed again the store manager says we made a mistake by telling you incorrect offer. Gives store credit and says he will add it every month. 5th month billed again. No store credit. Go to the store the manager doesn’t remember anything. I show him his memo so he adds the credit.  6th month billed again I go to store he says their system crashed so he could not add the credit and then adds the store credit.  Monday will be the 7th bill. What a  scam t-mobil is running. 

I’ve had a similar experience, a nightmare!! I was told about a promotion and signed up. The t mobile said they would port the numbers over and instead they dishonestly added extra lines and we got charged for them. Now it’s a nightmare and they dropped our promotion and we have bills triple as high!! 

Feeling tricked tonight as the ‘switch your plan to lower costs’ was presented to me after I was eligible for an upgrade. Talked into 2 additional lines that weren’t needed and given a SIM card. My bill is actually higher and I am pissed.


Going into local store to resolve with Mangement. I have always loved TMobile but I have a very bad taste after this honestly-Came here to see if anyone else had the same grievence. 


Signed a loyal customer for 10 years 

I’ve had a similar experience, a nightmare!! I was told about a promotion and signed up. The t mobile said they would port the numbers over and instead they dishonestly added extra lines and we got charged for them. Now it’s a nightmare and they dropped our promotion and we have bills triple as high!! 

