
International Country Code Added to Contacts

  • 26 July 2022
  • 2 replies


Google Pixel 4a (5G) here.

Went to the country of Panama in December of 2021.  Sometime around March of this year, Contacts that I have had for years now do not include the Name when sending or receiving a text via Google Messenger.

Instead, the local number appears but after reviewing the text Details, these number now have +507, the country code for Panama, and adds it to the beginning of the number.  And, using the Add As a Contact option to the person’s existing number does not work.

Since this does not affect all of my Contacts, is there a solution or a fix?  I’ve deleted the Contacts in question and added them again with the correct info, but when sending a text, Google Messenger reverts to the +507 number and the name is not included as stored in my Contacts.

Is there a fix for this issue?



2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

You may want to peruse the Google boards since it appears to be Google issue and you will find more people with an issue like this.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Sounds like something that the Pixel decided to do. Really, it’s best practice to include the + and country code in all phone numbers. Just should be the correct country code.
