Judged unconstitutional by US Supreme Court

  • 30 January 2022
  • 2 replies


The vaccine mandate is not legal.  You forcing your employees, against their will, to get jabbed will set you up for a massive lawsuit that you cannot win, and will drive you straight into bankruptcy.  There, are we now speaking a language you can understand?

2 replies

Userlevel 2

T-Mobile leadership are woke pandering cowards. The company has gone to the dark side. T-Mobile does not care about customer service, actually, T-Mobile fricken hates you. Did you see that on April 2, T-mobile will start unConstitutionally FIRING unvaxxed employees and put people on unpaid leave if they only have one vax? This is the sign of a company that has lost its spine. Morally bankrupt Cowards.

I will be moving to another carrier. T-Mobile sucks!

A spokesperson for T-mobile told Engadget, “We understand that this is a deeply personal decision for some employees”.  Yes, it is such a deeply person decision, that it is none of their business, as well as being federally and state legislated protected information, and has been for many years.  T-mobile is in danger of losing good employees and losing the trust of many subscribers of their services for years to come.  Even subscribers who are vaccinated against Covid support the Supreme Courts of many states who are ruling this kind of corporate behavior as unconstitutional.  If I don’t see a quick turnaround in this company’s stance concerning employee’s private, protected medical information as it relates to this vaccine, which now has several variants, and which in many cases is less effective than natural immunity, my family, which extends to three other households, will be taking our money and business to a company that values its employee’s right to privacy, right to work, right to bodily autonomy, and takes a common sense approach to looking at science rather than choosing the path that is politically expedient.  
