

  • 15 February 2023
  • 11 replies


Can someone else see what on your phone with out having the phone it's self



11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

If they have a digits account and if the phone is linked to their account they can see text messages.


Ty I'm the main account but one other person knows information how would I check n see if something is on my phone 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

If you're the PAH the only way they can see your usage details is if the have account privileges active on their line.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

and even then they wouldnt see text convos only the numbers texted to and from. if you have digits on your phone though and they have access then they can see all the texts and the content. but they would need to download this onto your phone in order to work.

If you have 2 phone numbers on your single phone how do you know which line is receiving a text or a call?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

I have a Tmobile number and a Google voice number and when the phone rings the dialer will show what number is being called.


Can someone else see what on your phone with out having the phone it's self



In case someone needs/wants info - YES. Someone can see everything you do if they really WANT to. All it takes is $10 - 20 depending on which service you use and that person to either :

1. have your phone for 2 mins to download a

HIDDEN app disgused as a system app (or sometimes calculator or random game.)

2. Or WITHOUT your phone, they can set it up on THEIR phone. The "spy" app starts w your phone ringing and YOU (or them) pick up the call. Then it remotely downloads and from that moment on they can see everyrhing u do and have done thats in yr phone. If spy app isnt working 100% once installed, most have a customer support where they will help you get it done. 

👉 My best friend and i did it to her wife last summer. We were even able to get texts she DELETED w the 2nd (better) app we got. 

We saw everything from which numbers she called and when. Every text message she sent/received. And her location whenever we wanted.

*Side note: I will add some of the cheaper services u actually have to download a LOG to see everything (1st app we tried was this way. So it won't be play by play AT time of it happening. ) 



👉 FOR REFERENCE - So ppl know im NOT just a horrible person doing this to another. It was warrented. She relapsed on heroin after yrs being sober but CONTINUED to deny it. Although causing CHAOS & INSANITY in our once peaceful home.  In 1 yr she went from buying a house w perfect credit. To being fired, PRETENDING to pay the mortgage (w mine & my bffs $$$) and stealing from us.  It was COMMON for 10 to 40 dollars to be missing from my purse. (In fact 1 of my $2000  LV bags vanished as well.) My BFFs Samsung tablet, our Xbox, our old phones. Even my friends BIKE vanished. 😂HUNDREDS missing for our "house fund" jar. Used for repairs and fun stuff. (im sure slowly drained) 

🙏🏻 So pleeeeeease don't talk crap about how wrong and intrusive it is to do this.

SHE was eventually making US insane. We both finally left after 2 yrs of trying btw

I dont think you are horrible, I am in a similar situation and totally understand.  What app did you use?


If a person used this type of app or thing on my phone would the dialed number show as ADHOC if i recieved the Tmobile subpeona.  I have been trying to figure out how someone would have sent texts on my number.

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

There are rogue apps that can send texts using your device that do not show up in your text history.  Clicking links in freemium games that access your contacts for a few free credits are usually the reason begins these things.  Using Digits, a person would be able to send texts from your number.  


I’m guessing it will take years before any of these stupid companies have anything close to a working Company.   

its only been 3 months and I’m thinking of closing my bank account so T-Mobile can’t get anymore money from me.   I can’t use the apps at all.   They won’t accept my password.  And T-Mobile I’m not changing my password because it works just fine on a webpage,   I can’t stand incompetence,   It’s not worth it at all.   I was gonna wait for 2 years to go off grid as far as communications go.   I really don’t care any more at this point in life.  
