T-Mobile Bait and Switch scam on December 2021 "Free" upgrade to IPhone13 + airpods

  • 22 February 2022
  • 52 replies

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Userlevel 2

How do they stay in business? they treat customers so poorly and rip us off every chance they can, the store are just bait and switch terminals where employees just lie left and right and put stuff in the bag and say its free when they end up charging you. Why is the government not stopping them from doing business? I have not met from one person who had a good experience. It must be a trump owned company.

Just discovered today that my $800 per phone “deal” was $400 per phone despite repeated assurances from the store and customer service that we were qualified for such a deal.

Called today and got terrible customer service agents who said there was nothing they can do and it was the first time I was informed of this rip-off. I had to endure an hour long call with long hold waits for a useless supervisor whose audio kept cutting on and off. 

Now after some searching, I notice this is T-Mobile’s MO to sucker people into these false deals and rip them off. This company needs better transparency on the store level and I truly hope they get a class action lawsuit or government action against them for their straight up fraudulent business practices. Don’t forget to complain to your congressman and senator (either party, even if you don’t support their party they’re still your representative in office) as well as the BBB, your state department of justice consumer division, Consumer Protection branch of the DOJ and anyone else who will field your complaints. 

On a trade in promotion in Dec 2021 for free iPhone 13, I am now being forced to pay for the phones IN FULL! I have debt collectors still calling me. I was forced to transfer from Sprint to T-Mobile. In store, they had to transfer me to my own account before then transferring me to my family members account for a family plan. They said that switch defaulted my account and in turn - I need to pay for the new iPhone 13’s in full! Seems like an easy miscommunication to clear up with customer service right? Wrong! They blamed me that I probably didn’t sign transfer papers correctly?? 

I was told this was the first major merger of cell phone carriers and that mistakes will probably be made - well they were and they are not taking any accountability. I’ve talked to several supervisors and have been passed back and forth. Debt collectors are saying they LET ME PAY $1000 only - WHAT?!?  

I guess my next step is to write a letter to corporate which no one can provide me the address or number to. They are about to lose a longtime sprint family of 4 as customers. 


It isn’t going to happen from T-Mobile’s end. I was told I qualified for a $800 per phone credit towards a new phone and used two lines which should have been $1600. I called after I left the store to ensure that $800 credit was valid and the T-Mobile customer service person said it was. Now I found out that a $400 credit per phone was given. They sound like robots when you call. “You didn’t qualify for that offer.” Well, funny how I DID qualify for it prior to turning my phones and getting a new bill reflecting I was ripped off.

I can only imagine the number of calls these people get and these people know full well the person they were talking to got ripped off by T-Mobile and there is nothing they can do about it.

There are consumer protection agencies at the state and federal levels as well as elected officials you can take your gripe to. There is nowhere near enough transparency in these contracts with the amount of people getting straight up robbed repeatedly. A class action lawsuit will only line the pockets of the lawyers so the best you can hope for is a fine from the government or loss of money to a class action lawsuit and possibly them being forced to produce more transparent documents in regards to phone trade ins, upgrade deals, subsidized phone plans, etc. 

Complaining to T-Mobile will do nothing. Better Business Bureau is also useless (T-Mobile has a rating of 1.18/5!). Go to your consumer protection agencies and file your complaint with them.

I was too Lied to and told my new phone would be free. I also talked to a philippines call center. In addition when to Trade in my phone the label was wrong ( had a wrong phone listed) and when I called they scammed me and told me that I will

need to purchase a new phone. This is so disgusting!!! I also received Apple AirPods, but never requested them and I will be charged for it. 
I just received my phone and started service in dec 26th. When can I cancel it?

I will gladly join any class action suit against T mobile! Liars and thieves is correct. I, too, sent 4  iPhones to them. They said they would pay off the balances owed and send 4 free iPhones. They also quoted a monthly magenta max rate that is about $100 less than what I’m paying. First, they claimed they only received 3 of the 4 phones. They were sent together in one box! On another 3 hour phone call, I was told they never received any phones. Obviously they are being stolen!! Not only did they steal my phones, they said there was never any special for free phones, so I’ m paying for the new phones. My bill is almost $100 more per month compared to what I was quoted. I have it all in writing from the salesperson, and yet, they refuse to pay me, and adjust the bills.

Same issues, bait and switch and NO attempt to resolve or stand by their quoted price!!! I thought I hated ATT but my goodness TMobile is horrible. I am 2 years after this original post,,, what happened with that? I am happy to join / testify / add to any complaint!!!!!

Problem completely resolved by filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau!! All my money back… NEVER would have happened without their help!!! Only way to go!!! 

I filed one last night!! Thank you for the insight and glad it worked out for you!!

I filed one last night!! Thank you for the insight and glad it worked out for you!!

Yay!! You’ll be ALL SET!!!

My family was scammed too, but in Dec 2022!!!

Same promo, switched and upgraded iPhone 11 to 14. Store manager told us the same information and now I have to pay an extra $16 per month for the next two years. I filed complaints multiple times with Tmobile and no one will respond. Regrets!



My Family has been scammed by T-Mobile!  1st mistake: In early November we switched from AT&T to T-Mobile.   2nd: Mistake:  Fell for the so called “Free” IPhone 13 upgrade scam!   

I traded in/sent them my perfect condition i-phone 12 pro max for a i-phone 13 pro max and was told I would received $1000  in installment credits over 30 months

I traded in/sent them my wife’s perfect condition i-phone 12 pro for a i-phone 13 pro  and was told I would received $1000  in installment credits over 30 months 

I’m now being charged  $36.67 - 15.50 credit for each phone. So being charged $21.17 for each phone per month.    

If you do the math they gave me $465 each for my phones.

The promotion was $1000 credit on any I-phone 12!  They lied!

My local store employees verbally guaranteed we would get the full $1000 because that was the promotion!

I’m still fighting to get the full credits.   Next step is filing a complaint with Better Business and taking legal action filing a class action lawsuit. 

If you’ve experienced something similar with this promotion they ran in Dec. 2021 I would love to here your comments.


I restarted a contract with them after being promised a promotion buy 2 get 1 phone free and 2 pairs of old 2nd gen air pods for free. I gave them my mint condition IPhone 12 as trade in and got scammed! I’m stuck with old generation air pods which I’m having to pay 10.47 monthly for each for 12 months!! And the “free iPhone” they are taking off 27.50 Per month x24 months  which is 660 but I’m being charged 800.16 for phone?? This is terrrible ! I’ve been with T-Mobile for 8 yrs had issues with them here and there but nothing like this! I can’t believe there is a thread and number of cases like mine.. headed to the store to see if manager can help, She’s the one who sold me this deal… Tampa customer service rep Leney and her manage Calvin are a joke.. I was placed on hold as she ate her breakfast (forgot to press hold button I guess) then she realized and said hello? Sorry my manager said nothing he can do.. seriously?? Waist of 39

mins of my time!  livid at this point.

Problem completely resolved by filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau!! All my money back… NEVER would have happened without their help!!! Only way to go!!! 

Can you please tell me what you had to submit or do in order to get $$ back? Did you get all owed to you? Are you still stuck with T-Mobile? I’m looking to submit my issue as Tmobile customer care, store or any departments are unable to help with this issue. 😞

If you go to the Better Business Bureau website, it prompts you to answer questions, and then there is a spot for a narrative. I explained the situation, sent screenshots of the emails that I had received, calculated the exact amount I wanted refunded, which included the amount I had paid AT&T for 4 phones that they lied about not receiving, the amount I was overcharged monthly for service and for the phones that they said were free. So, I, miraculously, got a call from T-mobile, and we agreed upon a Visa card for the amount I had paid AT&T, a credit for ALL of the overcharges, and an additional credit that I asked for because of all the hours of my life I will never get back, dealing with their bullsh*t!  I am now on a special discounted monthly rate, but still have a lot of credits to use up. So, yes! I am still with T-Mobile. Once the money runs out, I will decide whether my new rate is worth it, 

Had I not involved the Better Business Bureau, NOTHING would have happened! They are awesome!! I also filed a complaint with the FCC, perhaps the combo is what got T-Mobile to respond. GOOD LUCK! They need to pay back all of the $ for all of the scams!!

Yes I think they need a class action lawsuit.  They did it to us with two phones. One on promo and a other they bought my bfs perfect condition iPhone said they gave it to him for $1000. I watched him sign a paper with the amount and we never got a copy of it of course. Then looked at our bill. No credits were given for the 800 off promotion for my phone and they only gave him $345 for his. Then we ended up with 8 lines. From 3 to 8. They brought out an iPad and chrome book which we did not even ask for, said it was free. Lies. These tmobile people know what their doing. Customer service is unhelpful as they are all from foreign countries. This company is awful now. Report them to the attorney generals office. And tell everyone to avoid this scam!!!!

Userlevel 2

Same type thing happened to me. Has anyone found more information or a lawyer? Please share

Userlevel 1

Well my sister told me they lie and I thought well they all do that. Apparently T-mobile is banking on the victim being to put out to pursue legal action I just wanted to share that I have had the same experience and I am filing with the bbb the fcc and state’s attorney today and I’d like to remind everyone that you like I’m going to be doing can file in small claims court over this good luck to you all it’s a shame our public officials don’t hold companies accountable when they steal from us the burden is on us and if you don’t pay the corporation regardless if you dispute it the burden is placed on the citizens also never trust a corporation or a politician 

My Family has been scammed by T-Mobile!  1st mistake: In early November we switched from AT&T to T-Mobile.   2nd: Mistake:  Fell for the so called “Free” IPhone 13 upgrade scam!   

I traded in/sent them my perfect condition i-phone 12 pro max for a i-phone 13 pro max and was told I would received $1000  in installment credits over 30 months

I traded in/sent them my wife’s perfect condition i-phone 12 pro for a i-phone 13 pro  and was told I would received $1000  in installment credits over 30 months 

I’m now being charged  $36.67 - 15.50 credit for each phone. So being charged $21.17 for each phone per month.    

If you do the math they gave me $465 each for my phones.

The promotion was $1000 credit on any I-phone 12!  They lied!

My local store employees verbally guaranteed we would get the full $1000 because that was the promotion!

I’m still fighting to get the full credits.   Next step is filing a complaint with Better Business and taking legal action filing a class action lawsuit. 

If you’ve experienced something similar with this promotion they ran in Dec. 2021 I would love to here your comments.

My Family has been scammed by T-Mobile!  1st mistake: In early November we switched from AT&T to T-Mobile.   2nd: Mistake:  Fell for the so called “Free” IPhone 13 upgrade scam!   

I traded in/sent them my perfect condition i-phone 12 pro max for a i-phone 13 pro max and was told I would received $1000  in installment credits over 30 months

I traded in/sent them my wife’s perfect condition i-phone 12 pro for a i-phone 13 pro  and was told I would received $1000  in installment credits over 30 months 

I’m now being charged  $36.67 - 15.50 credit for each phone. So being charged $21.17 for each phone per month.    

If you do the math they gave me $465 each for my phones.

The promotion was $1000 credit on any I-phone 12!  They lied!

My local store employees verbally guaranteed we would get the full $1000 because that was the promotion!

I’m still fighting to get the full credits.   Next step is filing a complaint with Better Business and taking legal action filing a class action lawsuit. 

If you’ve experienced something similar with this promotion they ran in Dec. 2021 I would love to here your comments.

Omgggg wow!! This literally happened to me and I’m surprised to see how many other people this has happened to!! HOW DO WE FIX THIS!!!

Userlevel 2

Can we report Tmobile to the consumer affairs under scammer? this is ridiculous big company can get away with scamming customers.

Userlevel 1






There’s surely got to be lawyers looking into this.  I’ve documented EVERYTHING thoroughly.  Their advertisements, their offers, their representatives and their supervisors, and the verbal offers.  Bait and switch is absolutely going on.  No integrity.  Luckily I didn’t fall for their bs.  I work too hard for my money T-Mobile, for you to STEAL IT.  I was with Sprint for over 22 years.  In less than a year, T-Mobile ran me off with their borderline fraudulent sales practices.  T-Mobile, admit your promotions are wrong, rescind them, and treat your customers that haven’t left with some dignity.  So disrespectful for you to deceive your customers like you are doing.  STRAIGHT UP LYING!

I would very much be open to speaking to several of the folks here in this thread.  I opened my very first ever TMobile account 5 days ago planning on taking advantage of the “free motorola razr plus” promotion for switching to TMobile.  The entire experience has been a headache from the time I ported my number into TMobile.  We did do a test call in the store before I left and everything appeared to be working...and my new phone had been ordered for delivery in 3 to 5 business days...or so I believed.  by the time I returned home 20 minutes later I could no longer make or receive calls, or send text messages.  I called customer service and they explained that my account has been “suspended”...but could not tell me why...and immediately un-suspended it.  Three days later when my new phone had still not shipped I called again and was assured that the phone would ship that day.  The following morning I received a text message stating that my order had been cancelled because I failed to electronically sign the purchase agreement that was emailed to me...I had not received such an agreement.  I called once again and it was explained to me that because the order had been cancelled we had to “start over”.  Quite frankly I should have walked away at that point...but I wanted a “free motorola razr plus”...so what the hell..I thought..lets do this again.  At the end of the process I was emailed the agreement to e-sign.  What they sent me was a contract that stated I was purchasing the phone for $999 and would be billed at $34 per month for 24 months. I naturally refused to sign the agreement and asked for a document stating that the phone was free….but strangely that document could not be produced.  I was assured that my account had been noted and I was part of the free phone promotion...and I should just sign the document and trust them.  At that point I asked for my account number and temporary pin so I could port my number back to Verizon immediately.  I was given this information and I ended the call.  17 minutes later I received a call from “Kim” a supervisor who wanted to resolve my concerns and retain me as a TMobile customer.  Not really sure why...but I gave her 24 hours to look into the matter and get back to me.  That got me to doing some googling and I landed here….This whole thing does not smell right to me...and it seems to happen way to often….and while I find it hard to wrap my brain around how messed up they have come across to me….it is even more bizzarre that it seems to happen quite frequently.  These folks have some serious operational issues and disconnects and should be set straight.  Often times seriously ridiculous fines can help a company pull their head out of their behind and fix things.  The only reason I have given “Kim” 24 hours is that I have not yet given them any money...and I want that phone.  Frankly I hold little hope that they will retain me as a customer….but we will see.  I do not want to share personal contact info in this public forum but if anyone out there wants to pursue their issues further...please comment here and we can determine the best way to communicate.  Whether it be a marketing ploy with bait and switch built in….or just blatant operational ignorance….I think we can all agree these folks have issues and need to fix them.  I most definitely will be following up closely on my own transaction with TMobile...but the term “class action” has been mentioned a couple times in this thread (on their very own site)...and such a suit would definitely have more traction when it comes to looking into how these folks are doing business...intended or not.  

Cannot wait to switch. 
We saw the deal as newlyweds and didn’t give it much thought. 
Not only did our “FREE AIRPODS” Never Arrive  But our trade in values were pathetic for nearly new iphones. $260 each out the promised $1000. Split into 24 months and you’re locked into a ridiculously weak 5G with garbage addons like Netflix, For $160+ a month. Been with T-mobile for 15+ years. I’ve always wondered why some T-mobile stores have really angry customers sometimes. Knowing that the reps make a commission doesn’t help and frankly deserve to get screamed at. Good stuff Angry Karen’s & DGAF Elderly. 😈 Rip them all a new one for us.  

My Family has been scammed by T-Mobile!  1st mistake: In early November we switched from AT&T to T-Mobile.   2nd: Mistake:  Fell for the so called “Free” IPhone 13 upgrade scam!   

I traded in/sent them my perfect condition i-phone 12 pro max for a i-phone 13 pro max and was told I would received $1000  in installment credits over 30 months

I traded in/sent them my wife’s perfect condition i-phone 12 pro for a i-phone 13 pro  and was told I would received $1000  in installment credits over 30 months 

I’m now being charged  $36.67 - 15.50 credit for each phone. So being charged $21.17 for each phone per month.    

If you do the math they gave me $465 each for my phones.

The promotion was $1000 credit on any I-phone 12!  They lied!

My local store employees verbally guaranteed we would get the full $1000 because that was the promotion!

I’m still fighting to get the full credits.   Next step is filing a complaint with Better Business and taking legal action filing a class action lawsuit. 

If you’ve experienced something similar with this promotion they ran in Dec. 2021 I would love to here your comments.


Same promotion this year with a free iPhone 14.  Same deal, credits because they can’t “legally” give you the phone for free.  Small bill first month, which happens to be within the timeframe where you can cancel your contract, then higher and higher so that I am basically at the same amount per month I was at with Verizon.  Was suppose to be getting credits each month for the phone but instead making payments so the phone is NOT free. What a scam.  Entire reason for switching was to lower the monthly bill, not to get a phone. But, hey, an upgrade for FREE in order to switch - that’s a nice perk - who is going to turn that down?  It does appear to be a bait and switch maneuver.  Contact the FTC if you want anything to really happen.  And, take it to social media.  And, the coverage isn’t better than Verizon either.


Can we report Tmobile to the consumer affairs under scammer? this is ridiculous big company can get away with scamming customers.


Same promotion this year with a free iPhone 14.  Same deal, credits because they can’t “legally” give you the phone for free.  Small bill first month, which happens to be within the timeframe where you can cancel your contract, then higher and higher so that I am basically at the same amount per month I was at with Verizon.  Was suppose to be getting credits each month for the phone but instead making payments so the phone is NOT free. What a scam.  Entire reason for switching was to lower the monthly bill, not to get a phone. But, hey, an upgrade for FREE in order to switch - that’s a nice perk - who is going to turn that down?  It does appear to be a bait and switch maneuver.  Contact the FTC if you want anything to really happen.  And, take it to social media.  And, the coverage isn’t better than Verizon either.


OMG I can’t believe we are not the only ones!!! We have been dealing with this for over a year. And they put a “virtual” line on our bill too, saying “don’t worry, its just to blah, blah, blah so we are paying for a phone/phone # that isn’t even real. We are way in over $2000 trying to get this resolved. My next step was to contact 7OnYourSide, but I see some of you got some where contacting BBB, so that will be added to my list. I can’t believe they are getting away with this for this long and nothing is being done. I think the FCC and AG should also be brought into this. We need to get a Class Action Suit started. I don’t think we will have a problem getting people to jump in. I will do some investigating. Unreal!!! 
