T-Mobile Essentials vs T-Mobile One

  • 6 September 2018
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 3

As I have compared the plans for T-Mobile Essentials and T-Mobile One, I have discovered that there is virtually no difference between the two.  $120 for four lines of Essentials plus taxes and fees (equals close to $150 depending on your area) vs $160 including fees for T-Mobile One for four. Basically, the plans offer exactly the same thing (except for Netflix on the One), and Essentials won't cost you less enough to really notice a difference or gain value.  And to offer the exact same basic plan under a different name, that is what T-Mobile One Plus International (with unlimited 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot) was killed off for, without notice?  That move was more harmful to your customers than helpful.  With the Unlimited Premium Plan Sprint just released with 50 GB LTE Hotspot plus multiple services free, hopefully T-Mobile creates a similar offering or reinstates One Plus International.  Compare the prices and see for yourself. 

5 replies

Userlevel 4

Hey @collinsd13 

Thanks for your feedback on this! We are always looking for ways to give our customers options that best fit their needs. Taxes and fees are pretty brutal in some areas but I think a $30 difference is definitely in the high side of that spectrum.

As for the old One Plus international feature, I was sad to see it go as well but it is still unlimited hotspot usage on the One Plus add on and we upped it to 20GB 😊 20GB of data is quite a bit for mobile hotspot considering we never recommend a mobile hotspot as a replacement for your home internet.

Just a friendly reminder, our plans and features are always subject to change but we do grandfather folks who take advantage of offers even after they are no longer available. 

Userlevel 4

I did the same math and came to the same conclusion as you.

What I have come to realize not everyone have the same perception as you and I both have.

There are people that will say... “I only want the basic features in my phone plan. I don’t watch movies, so getting Netflix is a waste of my time so I would rather subscribe to the T-Mobile Essential Plan over the T-Mobile ONE Plan.

Its a clever gimmick. Instead of a customer making a comparison of T-Mobile vs AT&T vs Verizon.... why not get them to make comparisons of T-Mobile One vs T-Mobile Essentials vs T-Mobile Prepaid. Whichever one you pick, is a win win for T-Mobile lol.

but, @collinsd13  another thing that‘s in the fine print of The Essential Plan is.... those Essential Plan subscribers get throttled FIRST durring time of congestion on the T-Mobile’s Network. Then if there is still congestion... the rest of the other Plan members that have gone over their 50GB allowance get throttled... and so on down the chain of importance. I wouldn’t migrate to the Essential Plan. If i were a new customer i would either get T-Mobile ONE or go to another carrier.

Luckily i have been grandfathered in to my Simple Choice Promo Plan of 2 Unlimited 4G LTE Lines for $100 dollars. The T-Mobile ONE Plus International was a very awesome deal.... but i would have needed to give up my grandfathered plan to get that deal. It wasn’t worth it for me.... because i would have had to give up so much.... and it included stateside International calling Land Line and Mobile..... but I already have that (Family Stateside International).

And as @tmo_chris stated.... tmobile deals, plans and features are subject to change.... so if you see an awesome deal, get it now (today) when it’s available instead of waiting till (tomorrow) when the deal is nolonger available.

T-Mobile ONE vs T-Mobile Essential ((((((( the winner is T-Mobile ONE))))))))))

lastly.... i forgot the exact details.... but the Essential Plan isn‘t capable of upgrading many features as you could with the T-Mobile ONE.

but if tmobile lowered the price of the Essential Plan by approximately $10 to $15 per line.... then the Essential Plan might win that competition.

Thanks for the clarification on this.  It's so hard to find the differences on the main tmobile page and gets quite confusing.  Tmobile used to be about simplicity, now there's too many plans, options, and gimmicks.

Make it simple, one price for everybody, and everyone gets unlimited everything.  Done.  All inclusive.  These little nuances are quite dumb.  Especially the video streaming quality difference.  How about don't down sample any video...just leave it alone.  If you're concerned about the towers blowing up due to congestion then build more, buy more bands, acquire more companies with lease rights to more bands, or give Cumcast the big middle finger and start adding fiber optics to homes and integrate that into your mobile technology.

I agree whole heartedly with these posts. Make another voice heard, T-Mobile ONE was introduced to be the answer from the Un-Carrier, taxes included, one price, no more mess with other plans, having to compare them, just one decent price. I posted this on a Facebook post and was told "don't worry Josh, the t-mobile One plan is here to stay", etc. That's fine and all but it definitely loses its value when you're introducing other plans that's essentially the same to the customers.

And Unfortunately because of billing issues and never getting my bill correct, being told I would have 3 lines for the$100 during a promo, having to get adjustments every month for 6 months, and then being told I couldn't keep the third line because the system wouldn't allow it for that price, I left t-mobile for another carrier.


Hey there. What happens if a rep kicks u off ur grandfathered plan with out ur concent ?  






Hey @collinsd13 


Thanks for your feedback on this! We are always looking for ways to give our customers options that best fit their needs. Taxes and fees are pretty brutal in some areas but I think a $30 difference is definitely in the high side of that spectrum.


As for the old One Plus international feature, I was sad to see it go as well but it is still unlimited hotspot usage on the One Plus add on and we upped it to 20GB 😊 20GB of data is quite a bit for mobile hotspot considering we never recommend a mobile hotspot as a replacement for your home internet.


Just a friendly reminder, our plans and features are always subject to change but we do grandfather folks who take advantage of offers even after they are no longer available. 

