
Trade-in amount

  • 23 December 2020
  • 19 replies

Userlevel 1

I was told that I will get $800 trade-in amount for my old mobile and adjusted across 24months bills for the new phone.  So I gave my old phone and took the new phone.  But in the first month  bill t was not reflected (aprox $33.33 credit should applied).  When I asked they mentioned I need to wait for 2 bill cycles to adjust the trade-in amounts.  After 3rd bill also it is not reflected.  Now they are telling $800 trade-in amount was wrong and I will get only $200 trade-in amount.  

If they say this I wouldn’t even took a new phone.  My old phone is in perfect condition and working nicely.  

With this kind of false promise/offers they are giving me trouble and demanding the monthly extract amount ? 

Being a T-Mobile management request you to sort this issue and help me to get my $800 trade-in amount.

19 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

This is a user to user forum with some Tmobile moderation but they don’t have account access.

Your best bet is to contact Tmobile support using messenger on one of Tmobile’s social media pages.

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

All trade-ins are subject to review.  Even a device in the most perfect condition probably wouldn't get the maximum trade-in value.  If you login to your account online and go through the trade-in there but don't complete it.  It still gives you a better idea as to what you might get. 

T-Mobile:s current offer for the OnePlus 8T+ 5G BOGO tells me that my best case scenario for my Note 9 trade would be $127.  That is a far cry from the up to $750 mentioned.  Not worth it!  At least not in my opinion.  

I was told the same 800.00 amount back in November, received my first T-Mobile bill for phones and they only gave me trade in value.  I protested and have not heard a word back.  If there word is no good on promotion, then I should not have switched and willl probably switch back or to a more reputable carrier.

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

I haven’t had any issues with their promotions.  Are you sure you qualified for the promotion?  If you took care of things in store.  Did the sales rep enter everything correctly for you to get the promotion?  As mentioned by gramps, contacting T-Mobile through social media is your best way to find out what happened and get this resolved.  

In December 2020, I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile, solely because the over the phone sales person said that I could qualify for a special promotion because I was not a T-Mobile customer, where I could get an iPhone 12 for no cost (as long as I traded in any qualifying iPhone and ported in the line). I did this for two of our four lines, and both phones were iPhone 6s. I was told I would receive a $14 trade-in credit for each phone, which sounded absurd, but was told not to worry because I would still get the iPhone 12 monthly credit equivalent of $830 over 30 months. The $14 credit was just for anything beyond the $830 base cost.

I confirmed multiple times that I would not have to pay anything except if I got a phone above the base, which I did for the two lines and paid somewhere around $500 for the differences. I had assumed of course that my two $14 credits were applied towards these excess charges, because I was told that. The sales rep said he was able to do this deal by combining two promotional offers, 2020AppleTradeP26 (for an iPhone 12 base that I added ) and 2020AppleTradeP27 (For an iPhone 12 pro that I added). He said these promotions were stackable. But, he also said something interesting that I should’ve picked up on, that the initial bill or two would show a BOGO promotion And that both of the promotions he was giving me wouldn’t show for a couple billing cycles, because it was a new promotion only in December. Needless to say, three months later and multiple T-Mobile customer service people have told me that these two promotions are not stackable. I really wouldn’t have paid off one Verizon line and switched to T-Mobile if I knew this was a lie. I have filed a formal complaint with the Better Business Bureau that covers Washington State, And will alternately contact my States AG office to denote the sales fraud. Now, I have been a Verizon customer for more than 10 years and always thought their prices were high but I am ready to run back even if I have to pay for these iPhone 12 in full. The thing that makes this the worst is that it was the first bit of good news last year after being out of our house for four months due to a house fire And I was on the phone with the rep for more than three hours. I suggest everyone that has a similar complaint also report to your local AG office, as they take this seriously. BBB may be useful, but maybe not. Your CC company is also another place to report if you have had money withdrawn that way.

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

Did you get a device? If you ended up getting a device with money down and also accessories you will get that amount upfront and the rest will be given via credit.

I was able to resolve the matter with the executive response team To my satisfaction. 

I was told that I will get $800 trade-in amount for my old mobile and adjusted across 24months bills for the new phone.  So I gave my old phone and took the new phone.  But in the first month  bill t was not reflected (aprox $33.33 credit should applied).  When I asked they mentioned I need to wait for 2 bill cycles to adjust the trade-in amounts.  After 3rd bill also it is not reflected.  Now they are telling $800 trade-in amount was wrong and I will get only $200 trade-in amount.  

If they say this I wouldn’t even took a new phone.  My old phone is in perfect condition and working nicely.  

With this kind of false promise/offers they are giving me trouble and demanding the monthly extract amount ? 

Being a T-Mobile management request you to sort this issue and help me to get my $800 trade-in amount.

Yep I got a long in writing estimate claiming I would get $400 credit for my iPhone 8 for a promotion to upgrade to the 13 I ordered it online and got the new phone was preparing to send the old one when I read the “updated offer” saying $75 are they stupid? They can’t say it’s based on condition of the phone if they lowered it without ever seeing mine it’s flat out false advertising lies it’s wrong in every way.. needless to say no thanks I’ll either keep it just in case or I’ll resell it on my own for at least 2-300 but sending it to them for 75 after they clearly offered $400 they have to be out of their minds! Law suit is over due

Today I learned that I am not the only one TMobile has scammed me into buying iPhone 13.  They offered the $800 trade in credit and when I shipped back a perfect condition and fully working phone.  They don’t hold up their deal in monthly credit and claim something was wrong with your trade in.  This allows them to profit from your trade in in after market because fine print says they can and they sold you a new phone at full retail.  It is TMobiles double profit promo which cons the customer.  This is unacceptable business practice and shame on them.


I think we are in the same boat dealing with a similar issue. Traded in two phones and received $122 for each when we were told it should be up to $800. 

I easily could have sold our phones. This is theft!

Initially I was excited to switch to T-mobile. The sales reps in the store were very helpful at explaining the promotions we could take advantage of as new T-mobile customers and we were confident we understood what our bill would be every month. We were able to buy 2 Samsung S22s for the price of 1 phone and trade our old phones in for $400 credit….or so we thought. Two different in store sales representatives looked at our old phones and told us that we should receive the $400 credit for each device. At no point did the representatives warn us that we might not receive the $400 credit and they asked what model of phone we had to insure we would receive this trade in value. They even told us that initially the phone’s trade in credit would say $30 but once the phones were received that it would be changed to $400 and we would see this trade in credit on our bill spread out over 24 months. It has been ~4 months and we have only received $30 credit for each phone. When I contacted T-mobile to double check why I saw $30 on one month, the rep assured me that I would see ongoing $30 for each phone for each month. Well, this still hasn’t occurred. Now dealing with a different online rep, they are telling me that I only have the buy 2 for 1 phone promotion. So it feels very misleading that what the in store sales reps are telling us does not match what the online reps are saying. The online reps are making it sound like this trade in offer does not exist and are telling me that the fair market value of the phone would be applied of $30. I’m just disappointed and I was expecting what the sales reps at the store had explained and that was my expectation, I wouldn’t have traded in my old phone for $30. Or at the very least if the store reps had told me that the trade in value could vary I would have understood. Now the online reps are telling me that expectation was wrong and that the promotion didn’t exist and they just keep reminding me that I have the promotion of buying 2 phones for 1. 


They are all crooks!!!  Bit consistent crooks!! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

i think many of you are missing the part where it says “up to (insert the higher end amount here)”… once the device is checked out THEN the value is figured out..

i think many of you are missing the part where it says “up to (insert the higher end amount here)”… once the device is checked out THEN the value is figured out..

I think you don’t realize most of these peoples phones were evaluated and given that maximum value at first

"Up to" is understood, but when you are told in store that it checks out and that you will get 800. And asked, do you want to add chargers or anything as an equipment cost since you won't have one?  You get the impression it's 800. I was told 800 and then they told me 200 down for the rest plus tax and I was paid in full.  Now the issue is that some of the sales people may not know tjis happens later and they need to make sure they understand and relay the info.  I was lied to whether intentionally or not. It's doesn't matter it's the companies fault. I didn't catch it for awhile. But now that I did. We will either come to an agreement or I will be gone and still fight it for every penny. I won't make complaints. That does nothing. They took from me and I will take more. With the information I have, I can't imagine a court wouldn't grant me a few thousand dollars... you took my phone and offered $800. I accepted. I was told I wouldn't have an equipment charge. I was told to pay off my old phone before trade in which lost credits on another promotion. I was told to make a 200 payment to pay the new one in full. I was told I hade to upgrade my account and extra 15 a month to qualify for the promotion. Then  get a 16 dollar credit on a 33 dollar equipment charge and a bill 15 dollars extra. I saved 1 buck a month by giving away 200 in credits 200 in cash and easily 600 dollar phone plus 16 a month for 24 months I lost 384 dollars on this deal. Oh and you can't pay it off early or you have to pay for what they would have  credited you as well 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

i think many of you are missing the part where it says “up to (insert the higher end amount here)”… once the device is checked out THEN the value is figured out..

I think you don’t realize most of these peoples phones were evaluated and given that maximum value at first

Evaluated by who?  Store employees have nothing to do with trade-in evaluations!  Checking a few boxes online doesn't qualify as an evaluation.  It's barely a guestimatiin at best.  All evaluations are done by Assurant or Asurion.  Which ever one you are told to send your device to.

I was told that I will get $800 trade-in amount for my old mobile and adjusted across 24months bills for the new phone.  So I gave my old phone and took the new phone.  But in the first month  bill t was not reflected (aprox $33.33 credit should applied).  When I asked they mentioned I need to wait for 2 bill cycles to adjust the trade-in amounts.  After 3rd bill also it is not reflected.  Now they are telling $800 trade-in amount was wrong and I will get only $200 trade-in amount.  

If they say this I wouldn’t even took a new phone.  My old phone is in perfect condition and working nicely.  

With this kind of false promise/offers they are giving me trouble and demanding the monthly extract amount ? 

Being a T-Mobile management request you to sort this issue and help me to get my $800 trade-in amount.

I but I am getting a little sick of their money hungry antics that they used to not have! I have a Google pixel 6 and Google is an issue itself. Their phones are very compatible with a lot of networks. You have to have your phone unlocked to even have communication! Which is ridiculous! But I'm being offered $70 for my Google pixel 6 so I can upgrade to a seven which makes 0 sense. I just changed from the magenta Max plan which I'm still currently paying for and won't be reflected until 2 months down the line and I'm being denied extra on my trade-in because I don't have magenta Max anymore!?

Initially I was excited to switch to T-mobile. The sales reps in the store were very helpful at explaining the promotions we could take advantage of as new T-mobile customers and we were confident we understood what our bill would be every month. We were able to buy 2 Samsung S22s for the price of 1 phone and trade our old phones in for $400 credit….or so we thought. Two different in store sales representatives looked at our old phones and told us that we should receive the $400 credit for each device. At no point did the representatives warn us that we might not receive the $400 credit and they asked what model of phone we had to insure we would receive this trade in value. They even told us that initially the phone’s trade in credit would say $30 but once the phones were received that it would be changed to $400 and we would see this trade in credit on our bill spread out over 24 months. It has been ~4 months and we have only received $30 credit for each phone. When I contacted T-mobile to double check why I saw $30 on one month, the rep assured me that I would see ongoing $30 for each phone for each month. Well, this still hasn’t occurred. Now dealing with a different online rep, they are telling me that I only have the buy 2 for 1 phone promotion. So it feels very misleading that what the in store sales reps are telling us does not match what the online reps are saying. The online reps are making it sound like this trade in offer does not exist and are telling me that the fair market value of the phone would be applied of $30. I’m just disappointed and I was expecting what the sales reps at the store had explained and that was my expectation, I wouldn’t have traded in my old phone for $30. Or at the very least if the store reps had told me that the trade in value could vary I would have understood. Now the online reps are telling me that expectation was wrong and that the promotion didn’t exist and they just keep reminding me that I have the promotion of buying 2 phones for 1. 

Hon Don't deal with the people in store. Always call 611!!!! The store associates and some of them. Third party stores, not even the initial original. T-Mobile stores and they are very limited! I couldn't even get the guy at my local T-Mobile to print out a label to return modems! But when I called 611 they assured me and sent me labels made sure I didn't get charged and everything of that nature! The only time dealing with the store is good is if you already spoken to a representative already set up an arrangement and deal and then all you had to do was go to a store. Have them call and confirm the deal that you had made or just deal with them directly over the phone! Payments and new plans. That's what's good about the T-Mobile stores but unless you go to one that's been around for a long time and is original store not a third party store.. You're not guaranteed. Anything and chances are as they can't help you as much

I too was just robbed. I was told $200 for each phone and I got an email saying $65 for a mint S21 and $0 for a mint S21 Ultra...hoping I wouldn’t read it? I’m so disgusted. Calling them this morning.
